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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Thank you for coming down from your Temple to ask us mere mortals to amuse you. When we're done being your playthings on this topic, will you take the form of a swan and rape someone?
  2. I agree with the major premises of Moore's movie. Bush is not that smart. Bush attacked Iraq and pulled resources away from the war on terror, and would have done so even if Iraq had no WMDs. The US is willing to back (or ignore) bad people in the Middle East if they are willing to be our puppets. In so doing, we create many of our own problems. Never seen the ABC thing and haven't even seen publicity about it.
  3. Always quote "them." "They" know what's going on.
  4. Lawyer tells someone to sue: Dirtbag. Lawyer tells someone not to sue: Dirtbag. Crystal clear.
  5. I love this story. The same people who decry the unnatural acts of homosexuality can't bear to see the most natural of acts: an infant nursing. Good golly hypocrisy.
  6. He'll never sit. That's a move Reggie Bush could have made. Not Donte Whitner. Let's not get crazy. They're just negotiating.
  7. No. I didn't realize that. Please let us all know how we would do that and not !@#$ our own interests in the process. Make sure your next car has airbags.
  8. You're a !@#$nut. Why don't you sign up now so you're ready when the big fighting starts tough gay. What's your party affilliation today? Aren't you ready to switch again?
  9. You are a !@#$ing moron. First, if you think a world war will bring some end to global extremism and terror, you dumber than I already think. Second, in case you didn't get the memo, a world war would be a terror to everyone. Living in fear of an occasional civilian attack is more preferable to war with China and Russia. Third, the last time we had a world war, there was one nuclear power. I assume (risky) you understand there are more now.
  10. Flip-flopping on an issue doesn't relieve the administration of its earlier ridiculous position on the Geneva Convention..
  11. Is this a question about the political maelstorm caused by a Stephen King book adapted for a highly acclaimed USA Network? And you think Liberals have thin skin!
  12. I pay more than that when you count my TiVO subsription. And having lived 3 years or so with no TV or radio commercials, I can tell you that I'd gladly pay $100 a month not to waste my time on commercials. Hell, who am I kidding? I'd probably pay more than that.
  13. My time is too valuable to spend listening to someone tell me what to buy.
  14. XM has a few music channels owned by Clear Channel, and Clear Channel runs commercials on those stations. Sirius doesn't run commercials on music stations. Sirius runs commercials on its licensed stations (ESPN, Disney, and the like) and also on its talk stations. Howard Stern, who runs more commercials than the other hosts, runs about 5 minutes of commercials an hour (as opposed the 19-21 minutes he used to run). I guess that the talkers deserve a break every hour--you can't force someone to talk for 5 hours straight.
  15. Wow. That's pretty cool. I'm not sure if there's much truth to it. That type of project would cost a lot of money, and we're busy spending a lot of money on Iraq's infrastructure.
  16. Rick Santorum is the personification of evil.
  17. I just did a search on Realtor.com for homes in Amherst (which I assume is one of the more affluent Buffalo suburbs) vs. homes where I live in Montgomery County PA (outside Philly). The price difference was not as much as I expected. In both places, you can get a nice 2500 sq ft home for about 300K. Still, you definitely seem to get more in Amherst than where I am--maybe the difference for equivalent homes is 100K. Given the Philly economy--not a powerhouse, but still pretty massive--it's no wonder people would be willing to move here, get maybe 25% less bang for their housing buck, but have a higher salary and more job security. In and around most big cities, if you lose one job, there are often several others to take its place. In Buffalo, you often can't say the same thing.
  18. People upstate are on crack. NYC is the financial capital of the world. WNY is an unemployment pit undergoing a youth and brain drain. Do the math. WNY isn't funding NYC--that's ridiculous.
  19. That idea would accelerate the decline of WNY. ENY would become a monster.
  20. And just because you can't find a hole in my logic doesn't make you right.
  21. If you hate the person, don't get married to them. And if you think you hate them once you're married, give it time and it will undoubteedly get better. A little commitment to marriage would be a good thing. Abuse would be one of the few valid reasons for divorce. Keep trying. No one has punched a hole in this yet.
  22. It's not my job to answer that question; the government isn't expressing a concern about WHY two people marry. Still, the end result of most marriages, and the thing that the divorce ban protects, is families and children. That's what matters. Why two adults marry is their business--they just can't divorce. In the drafts I've seen, the Constitutional Amendment would be limited to a divorce ban.
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