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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. "If all Trump voters shifted to Johnson I'd vote for him 100%." Baa.
  2. It's bad enough you supported Trump and suddenly are happy to follow the sheep as they run from him for a tape that shocks not a person, but do your duty and cast a damn vote. You don't have to love the choice--no one does--but democracy is the worst system except for all the others. You need to own it.
  3. WE picked the candidates. The winner is OUR president. That's what people lose sight of.
  4. So you're a sheep. Good to know.
  5. We picked the candidates. Now make a choice. How could it possibly have taken until now, of all times, to turn your back on Trump? This stupid tape that you HAD to know has come out of his mouth 800 times--this is the reason?
  6. Considering I've heard that story over and over for a year, it's old news. I don't know if it's true but the thread of Trump treating women like garbage will not come as a surprise. He is a horrible person and his long history of statements about women before the latest tape show it. That tape didn't do anything to change my thoughts on Trump--they just reinforced them. He's a scumbag and has no decency. What a revelation.
  7. Johnson, for his faults, looks better and better every damn day.
  8. If that's true (the underlined), it's a good reason to vote for her.
  9. Ryan Miller has bad depth perception due to his wonky eye.
  10. Stepping out of the political and into Media Bashing by B-Man , I hate how every network has BREAKING NEWS every 5 minutes.
  11. If he's been riding a stationary bike, he's an idiot. He needed to have been doing football workouts. "Tweaked a hamstring" is something that lasts a couple months in speed guys and a few weeks in others. Luckily, the Bills are doing fine without him. But I don't expect anything from him if this is where he's at now.
  12. Dareus with hamstring 3 days into practicing = Dareus has not been working out
  13. Not that anyone needs to see his taxes to know what a liar he is. The guy doesn't even have the decency to hide his lies. Two reasons, none of them conspiratorial (sorry Deranged): (1) He was so worked up over the small knocks to his reputation Hillary had already made that his priority was getting even on that score and not discussing the issues. (2) He's stupid. Really really stupid.
  14. "Mister 377" is your comeback? Post count doesn't have anything to do with credibility boy blunder. Get him the yellow wrist corsage.
  15. Rams are another tough D coming up. Going to need a good game on offense and another smothering defensive performance.
  16. Broken foot can be a tough injury for an athlete. It's sometimes the kiss of doom in the NBA.
  17. I will counter on McCoy. Until the Bills can consistently get runs of 5-6 yards in a row from him, he's not performing to expectations. His YPC must get better to help this offense. The better news is on defense. If this team starts playing like the "Rex Ryan Defense" meme we've heard for 2 years, that will be exciting and can keep Rex in his job, which I'd argue is important for team continuity. TT should improve without the Watkins distraction. Just get to know all his WRs. Good to see Clay more today.
  18. Sigh. Yes that's where I am as a voter. I put more faith in his moral compass than his navigation skills.
  19. You should ask Ozymandius to the prom.
  20. That's the moral dilemma this year. Jesus.
  21. You misread my comment. "Read some newspapers" was a shot at Johnson, who might know a foreign leader worth admiring if he picked up a newspaper every once in a while. Even reading Newsweek would get him through that question.
  22. That's the same trailer that's been out...don't post stuff like that and get me excited for no reason!
  23. Wait, what? A response where you're not a parrot? Say it ain't so. My actual response was above. The rules for posting on PPP are: Sometimes you comment on the issue, sometimes the poster, but always the media.
  24. Rubber - glue. I've seen this tactic before.
  25. There's an intelligent debate to be had on stop and frisk. It's not a simple issue and I lean towards the anti crime results outweighing the surrender of civil liberty (not a freedom small government unintrusive stance so upstream of most of my views). My problem was Trump raising it as a solution to curing current racial tensions. Talk about a Marie Antoinette moment. Come out of the bubble a little Donald and listen just a little to the people on the other side.
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