“So important that you watch other communities, because we don’t want this election stolen from us.“
“I just hear such reports about Philadelphia. I hear these horror shows, and we have to make sure that this election is not stolen from us and is not taken away from us.”
“Everybody knows what I’m talking about.”
- DJT "unshackled"
Disagree with the underlined. Obama wins rooms and studies hard. He is a masterful politician and though his conclusions are often wrong, he does his homework.
Trump can only win pretty dumb rooms and he will never do the homework.
They are both thin skinned celebrity driven narcissists, I'll grant you that.
In posts per day, who posts more: B-Man or that liberal guy who the board ran off but whose name I forget because I had him on ignore?
Not Connor. What was his name? I refuse to cheat and look it up.
I am so happy to have forgotten his name, but I do remember his habits.
I don't sit too high on the moral horse. I voted for Romney and Gore. But with this election, given these two despicable nominees, I can't see voting for a major party. They have completely failed. This isn't Obama vs Romney. This is Satan vs. Hades, I choose Willy Wonka.
If you have Sirius, you might try POTUS channel. The "P" is for politics not president. I'd especially recommend the Michael Smirocnish show but other shows also make an effort to address the middle.
Let's not bull ****: Ken Bone would win this election in a landslide. If the media picked up on a write-in candidate right now, he'd be the next president.
I, for one, am all for it and if you're not, you are everything wrong with this country.
No Bills fan is happy about this news. Kap is not a long term solution for the Niners or any team but he's got a little Vick in him and can occasionally be unbeatable.
He had a Twitter fit announcing he's "taking off the shackles" and then attacked both Ryan and McCain, and even his opponent.
I like the thought of this new Donald who is free to do as he pleases.
Hillary would have beaten Trump and probably Cruz. The rest of the field would have smoked her.
But the Republican base wanted and deserves Trump.
My only hope is that this creates the fracture that is starting to be visible and it can marginalize the group of actual Trump supporters (as opposed to the people who may vote Trump just because they are anti-Hillary).