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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. What's the matter? Still rubbed raw because I keep quoting you quoting yourself on your stupid theory? (WHICH stupid theory, I know, I know.) I see people committing crimes. Not conspirators. And by all means, bring the charges.
  2. I'll let this slide because you're still in grief that your theory that military intelligence wasn't behind the stripper unbomber didn't work out. Peace be with you brother.
  3. The "r word." Really? That's the straw that broke the camel's back about the state of PPP?
  4. It was pretty important to figure out how Russia meddled in our election. There is no evidence of Trump collusion. As to "framing," Trump hasn't been framed. He didn't collude but there are a lot of people making noise about it like idiots. And..................................no conspiracy. Left or right. Just people being divisive and playing politics in a new ugly way, as championed most currently by Clinton and her "deplorables" comments and attitude and Trump and his Twitterverse.
  5. I don't care if the DNC and Clintons go down. There's some pretty compelling evidence that the DNC and Clintons rigged the primary, that's for sure. As for the rest, there's a lot of conspiratorial noise to signal but if there's a case to be made, I am happy to see it. You say the arrests are coming. So does Storytime. So does Q. You have all been saying it for a while. Any day now right?
  6. Who is getting arrested and when? Is this like when HRC was about to get detained? My popcorn got soggy waiting for that one so I'll pop a fresh bowl. "Personal" attacks? By quoting him quoting himself? Good one!
  7. With respect to election law violation and the Trump campaign, yes. I'd be shocked if anything new and surprising came out. I wish that everyone would move on from already, but it's a good political ball--for both sides.
  8. Still can't respond when I quote you quoting yourself. You never got back to me on the Hyperspace Research Institute either. When your conspiracy balloons pop, does a tear run down your cheek?
  9. So by quoting one of the most famous lines in the history of American politics, that "equates it to Watergate?" Take off the partisan glasses. All I wanted to know was what DT knew. I feel we've found out enough at this point and probably rooted out the worst of what happened. Anyone using it to hunt Trump at this point is just whipping up a frenzy for political points. Note: That's not a conspiracy. Just divisive politics.
  10. Reading is not your strong suit. Stick to photos and videos but clear your cache.
  11. Yeah, that's what I said. Jesus. The 99% of Q-anon was made up, but it's probably +/- 1%. The other numbers are from the article. And even imagine that the survey numbers are inflated by 50%, it's still staggering stupidity.
  12. I don't think Trump colluded with the Russians. I don't think he had any idea that the Russians were trying to influence the election, which of course, they were. I started the thread because there were splintered discussions.
  13. Here you go: Nice and simple for you.
  14. Pretty liberal use of "reported" there. A "story" that sounds titillating is always better than the mundane truth that some madman shot up a synagogue and one of the victims is a 97 year old woman. Why else do half of R voters, 57% of Trump voters, and probably 99% of Qanon lemmings think Obama is not an American citizen?
  15. Nice spelling. Rick Santorum and Papa Bush events too. I had to. I am Bilderberg. (Bush is the only one I voted for though.)
  16. Is this a conspiracy too? Jesus, don't you get exhausted seeing a spectre around every corner?
  17. Except in fact, you did. You posited two FF theories. And then because you you were so excited that military intelligence (!!) was behind this non bombing bomber, you actually quoted yourself on that gem of a false flag theory. The stripper non bomber as a tool of military intelligence may go down as a good sequel to your fantastic work with the Hyperspace Research Institute.
  18. Storytime or Bot-man should quote a tweet or paste a meme right about now. And yeah, let me know when Greggy predicts something. Good one. Isn’t there supposed to be something huge happening every week. Head on a swivel. Coming storm and all that. He is Dwight Drane minus the hot sauce and saves his most sane stuff for here, minus the occasional oops when he pushes anti gravity government cover ups. Where is the Antisemitic poster who thinks Trump is actually a tool of the globalist conspiracy? He believes in the globalist Illuminati conspiracy but double-criss crosses it. I can’t recall his name but he had the same conspiracy beliefs as the shooter didn’t he? That MFer was a mess.
  19. He was asked about gun laws and responded by putting some blame on the temple for not having an armed guard that could have stopped the attack. But don't let the facts get in the way of your statement. Nothing's changed with your lahgik through the years. Life tip for you: Remember to delete your browsing history.
  20. It's too bad he didn't say what you would like him to have said. A better response to the reporter's question would have been, "Have some respect. Now is the time to think of the victims." But he didn't say either thing. It's a normal day for our current president. I have no idea who you are but thanks for cheering for me.
  21. Thanks for the diagnoses kids. Keep 'em coming. I don't care that much about Trump except that I don't care for him. But I sincerely believe that we need to give respect and listen to his voters. They deserve to be heard. This board became a conspiracy haven in the last few years. Storytime Greggy is your spirit guide.
  22. I never said that Trump said that "all temples must have armed guards." What Trump said was "If there was an armed guard inside the temple, they would have been able to stop him." So what Trump said was a charming second-guessing of the synagogue's choice...in order to score a political point. "Leadership."
  23. Posting a guard is any group’s *choice*. Raising the issue of not making that choice a few hours after a lunatic’s shooting is a pretty awful response to a terribly timed question. It was a one two punch of bad timing and one that president fails on every time. Sorry I don’t know you. One of the new regulars? Good luck.
  24. Laws Shmaws! Let’s daw and quarter this *****. That’ll make everyone feel good. Douchebaggery central, a new train just pulled in.
  25. This board got so dumb it hurts. The Greggy election to Supreme Leader took it to new places. Maybe having armed guards in places of worship is, like, not something they, umm, want? Just spitballing with ya.
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