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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. FWIW, I love Fitz as a backup. Great teammate and plays with passion.
  2. When the answer is Geno, someone is asking the wrong question.
  3. It might and it might now, but what is it you suggest the Bills do? Bench their most talented guy? Not let him touch the ball as much? You ride the horse that can win. It's that simple.
  4. Trump is bringing Obama's brother and a Benghazi mother. Clinton is carrying her most recent John Podesta baggage. 'merica.
  5. Deranged, is that you?
  6. Definitely a top 5 all time here on PPP. Can you help with my homework? Average roll of a die is 3.5 End of times/antichrist prediction Big Board of Doom As an epic work, the "Matt Silver doesn't know what he's doing" posts of 2012
  7. End of times stuff Chicken Little. I have the big board saved but he admitted defeat and renewed his faith in humanity so we can let it go.
  8. You made an argument that Halloween costume protests are the measure of social decay. You're shilling a line fed to you by your masters and known to always get attention, be it in the form you're puking up or the better headline of looming apocalypse. Spooky indeed. Some things are good. Some things are bad. So it goes. Or if you're you and many others, focus on the bad and commence histrionics. Do you have your basment of Dinty Moore ready for Hillary's ascension? Are you watching a big board of doomsday predictions?
  9. Yes yes, you represent the species well. No generation hasn't said your words. You'd think we'd get tired of repeating them.
  10. That is one messed up website. Lots of 'em out there I guess. Grinreaper, every generation sees themselves as the end of times, fork in the road, pinnacle of history, etc. It's our species narcissism. Take a deep breath. If HRC wins, it will be bad, but just more of the same bad. If Trump wins, it will be bad, but bad in a way we can't yet imagine bad. And both "bads" will not be that bad. 4 years from now, we'll replace whoever wins this round.
  11. Extra serving of jerkoff at your diner this morning? Trump tweets salacious stuff and it makes headlines. That's how it works. Substantive things don't draw eyeballs.
  12. But Trump can tweet it into a national headline.
  13. He's going to come in second. My point wan't that he'd win, but that's his tweets are an audition for the CiC job.
  14. Much like I was wrong that you're voting for Trump, you're wrong. Assange can't expect to trade in state secrets and secrets of the most influential people in the world and not bear some consequences.
  15. The HRC campaign leaks don't concern me too much. Dirty pool but it's real. It's when Wikileaks leaked classified military info that I got concerned. And the precedent it sets for more of the same concerns me gravely. If it doesn't concern you, you might want to re-think your defense of Assange. Wikileaks cuts all ways. You are voting for the right guy: You do enjoy your lies.
  16. The parties do not exist WITHIN the government at all. They exist without. But they formed almost immediately on its formation. The Constitution invites a two party system, but just not which two parties. That's why the two parties have evolved over time both in name and platform. The current two parties do everything they can to ensure they remain the two, but that is outgrowth. My post that started this discussion was framed around what would form in opposition to the Democratic party, which is trending to dominance, especially based on demographic realities, if the Republican party doesn't change.
  17. If he wants to play big boy games, he will get big boy treatment.
  18. The Constitution is set up in a way that encourages two parties. It's not an accident that there have pretty much always been two. Christians will be in government, and represented by government. But catering an entire party to a religious sect alienates those who are not part of it. Trump “Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP.” Future commander, err, knee-jerk reactor, in chief.
  19. The conservative Republican Party sold its soul for victory when Reagan opened the big tent to the Dixiecrats and invited a future welfare state into the tent. Reagan's seed has, 30 years later, grown into the Republican nominee who caters to the lowest denominator in racism and misogyny, while at the same time a party that can't in any way enact fiscally conservative law due to its freebie loving base. The Constitution sets up a two party system. With the blurring of the lines between Democrat socialism and Republican socialism, there is largely one super-party now. So it will be interesting to see what second party forms in opposition. Can the right build a tent that encompasses fiscal responsibility, decries racism, embarks on intelligent immigration reform, builds an efficient military, tackles social security and welfare without demonizing those in need? If yes, there's a way forward, because working class values--but caring working class values--will resonate with a growing minority electorate, especially the Hispanic sect. But if the Republicans continue to cater to the Dixiecrat or Evangelical sect, they are doomed and good riddance.
  20. It wasn't an open issue until the video. Trump invited this quagmire.
  21. He's gone full Chernobyl. Can anyone still pull a lever for him and take the chance he wins? Debate 3 will be the lowest point of this nadir. Every time I say that, Trump plumbs new depths though.
  22. That was stolen celeb porn and is in fact the most wrong thing of a small list. I stand by Bone in this erection cycle.
  23. He likes pregnant porn, women's buttholes, and is on both sides of Trayvon Martin. Still way better than Trump and Clinton.
  24. Due to their soaring popularity this election cycle, I give you Obama-Bone 2020. And yes, Michelle has to be president because the reverse just doesn't work in a sign.
  25. Hillary's positions move with the expedient wind for sure, but it's a leftist wind. Trump has no orientation besides Trump. The best they came up with on Romney was his dog riding on the car so don't oversell what the media would do to castigate a person of moral fiber and mental acuity. Romney didn't lose because of a left wing conspiracy--he lost because he was up against a politician who connected better with the voters.
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