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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. This all started because you tied someone's lack of intelligence to her gay parents you nitwit!
  2. Got it, thanks for that carefully crafted Clinton-like "definition of is" defense of your bigotry. Summing up: - Statistically non-nuclear (which in your view I assume is married M-F + children no divorces) families have better adapted children - Homosexuals in relationships, even committed ones, should not raise families because they will statistically less likely to succeed - You support homosexual relationships - you look at children of homosexuals and judge their personality traits as related to the homosexuality of their parents Did I miss anything in your logic?
  3. Everyone has a right to be stupid. But don't mix that with my right to hate what he stands for and call him out on it.
  4. If you liked The Twilight Zone, especially the ones speculating about potentially umcomfortable futures just a few years off from ours, you might like Black Mirror. Every episode stands on its own in a different future. You can dive in anywhere but you might as well start at the beginning. If the first episode subject matter is too tough (and it's by the far the toughest), pick another one. Old episode trailer. New Season trailer:
  5. Remember that day you chose to be heterosexual? And even if was a choice, BFD. Sad that people like you exist, but thankfully you're a dying breed.
  6. He thinks a family with two dads is one of the worst possible starting places for a child. Do you agree? I have been around 8 same sex parent families, and in the extended sphere of many more. Some have problems. Some don't. Same as anyone. But to blanket judge based on someone's sexual preference is morally reprehensible. Black people end up in jail at a higher rate than others in the US. Statistics bear that out too. Do you judge a single black person based on that data? Because that's what you suggest.
  7. It was a roast so knocking your opponent was expected but Trump's went into a bitter place. He's a sad beaten man at this point. 19 more days to go and then he can spin this into how he won.
  8. The world will be a better place when people like you can't vote. (Jean her mother is a woman.)
  9. Hamstring injuries always linger without substantial rest, and always come back in speed guys.
  10. Hamstrings ALWAYS linger. Only massively extended rest cures them and they almost always return in a speed guy. Been waiting for the hamstring to return ever since last year. He "played through it" last year which to me means he wrecked it for good and he will now hurt it every year until he retires. I'm Fred Taylor and I approved this message. Assume McCoy of weeks 1-6 is done for this year and at best, the Bills get McCoy of 2015 back in 3-4 weeks. Next man up and come on defense.
  11. Brazile is a disaster and that has nothing to do with her having two dads.
  12. Interpretations change over time. That's the beauty of the Constitution. How would the commerce clause be interpreted in the age of the Internet? Jurisdiction as well. Hillary said she wants to choose judges to advocate for the common man and listed some specific issues. Of course, so did Trump--he just picked the other side of issues.
  13. I see Former is off his meds again today but he did raise one good point in there. Her Supreme Court answer was horrific. I support a living Constitution whose meaning may change over time. But there's belief in that, and then there's advocating that the Court be legislative, which was Hillary's entire answer. Trump put out a list, sure, but if he nominated Harambe to the court, no one would be shocked. Jefferson's advocacy for ritual bloodletting is well known. He was deeply influenced by the French Revolution. Here's the thing: We don't need TJ's draconian chaotic revolution if people would just vote the powers-that-be out. But Americans won't do it.
  14. Wallace was returning to it because Clinton already said she would. It's not a trick question, except that Trump only accepts his version of reality. It's a stupid issue and Trump's idiotic answer will just further serve to distract the media from substance. Wallace's questions were well organized. Of the topics they hit on, I would have liked more discussion of: 1) Immigration - I would have liked a lot more specifics from them both but especially Clinton. She pivoted out of this into Wikileaks and Wallace was in a tough spot because the Wiki digression was compelling, but he could have returned to it 2) Wikileaks, transparency vs secrecy, roles of foreign governments 3) Entitlements - both were dodgy and unspecific because both will grow government. Wish Wallace had pressed them more 4) ISIS/Syria - Trump can't talk specifics on this because he's dumb but Wallace shoudl have pressed on this to contrast with HRC Less of the "fit to lead" topic. That was useless pablum for the stupid.
  15. Parties don't care if you don't show up. They just care if their candidate wins. Not showing up is an indicator to a party that you don't matter in the next election and they need not talk to you.
  16. Nope. He hung back behind the lectern and avoided going out when she approached Wallace. Awkward. "Nasty woman" and not accepting election results will be the news cycle tomorrow. He couldn't help being Trump but overall not the worst night for him. Not going to win the election for him though it might help stop the bloodletting. Clinton dodged on her weakest issues, of course. No major stumbles for her.
  17. Entitlements. Good topic. Trump is a disaster on substance but he did OK in this debate. Trended to Greg Brady from Bobby. Hillary was her normal robotic self. Successfully pivoted a few times, which was too bad but that's her MO. All around, great topics. Wallace wins.
  18. Wrong, wrong, wrong... SNL loving it. Trump attacking Wallace when Wallace calls out a lie. Be interesting to see if he plays the moderators out to get me card when this ends.
  19. Won't agree to accept the results of the election. Classless and trending to Deranged Rhino mode.
  20. Wallace owning debate like a boss but no one pushing Clinton on pay-to-play. She dodged that better than Wallace should have let her and Trump didn't push it.
  21. Fitness to lead will be a bad time for Trump. He has to hope this segment ends quickly. Very bad segment for him. He was doing OK to this point. See if he can get the ship back on track.
  22. Wallace running an excellent debate. Best so far.
  23. Trump is doing OK (so far...he's starting to let the inner child come out) but an issue focused debate without a fawning crowd is not his best forum. Clinton's pivot to nuclear in the middle of the Wikileaks digression from immigration was odd. I wish they hadn't left immigration so easily but I did like the Wikileaks discussion.
  24. There's no way he stays on message. You know that, right?
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