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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. "Beyond the five-yard zone, if the player who receives the snap remains in the pocket with the ball, a defender cannot initiate contact with a receiver who is attempting to evade him. A defender may use his hands or arms only to defend or protect himself against impending contact caused by a receiver." That would mean a defender could tackle any receiver once the QB is outside the pocket. Something seems off there. It didn't matter in the long run because Taylor rolled way left and Powell was on the far side of the field.
  2. How about when McCoy stepped both feet out of bounds and then caught the ball? Refs atrocious.
  3. I am substituting a lot of words for PF here.
  4. I guess they should have snapped the ball they didn't have.
  5. After tonight, Bills have second easiest schedule in NFL.
  6. Rob Ryan coached a great D in New Orleans. He moved it to Buffalo.
  7. If it doesn't bother you, that's your issue. Having a president who feels like they can lie multiple times a day, in blatant and obvious lies that are easily revealed, is an issue that concerns me.
  8. You feed the beast of what it loves: Delicious hyperbole. The next president may choose as many as 3 justices, one ultra-conservative (Scalia) for sure and a few of one ultra-liberal (Ginsberg), one liberal (Breyer), and and one swing vote (Kennedy). Their appointees will play a role in the future of the country, but just a role. A vote for Hillary only really flips Scalia, who should have been flipped by Obama if the Senate had deigned to do its job. Don't worry: The Constitution-respecting Senate are setting up both parties to not approve any nominee by any president based on the precedent of "nah nah boo boo we don't have to do anything."
  9. If Harvin comes back and plays like a top WR, you like Sammy, Harvin, Woods, and [who cares]. Harvin was playing World of Warcraft 2 weeks ago. If he comes back to play like a top WR, I'll be shocked. Happy. But shocked.
  10. No polls but Mike Huckabee has called me 3 times this week.
  11. A few more things.
  12. "War on women" is hyperbole backed by clear examples. Obama "screaming" is just a lie. It's not an important lie. It doesn't sway the election. It is not as bad as Hillary's lies. So don't get defensive. I just wonder what makes him lie like that so easily and often, when it's so easy to see he's lying. He's also retweeting the claims that the protester at his rally had a gun, when he just had a sign. Again...what possesses him to do that? Why lie so obviously?
  13. Comey is the one guy the left and the right hate equally. Based on that criteria, I may vote for him.
  14. We all have no idea if Harvin has anything in the tank. He's a lottery ticket that no NFL team was pursuing. All I know is the claim was made that Harvin, Woods, Hunter, Goodwin, and Salas made for a good WR crew. 2 of those guys were bagging groceries before the Bills picked them up this season. Goodwin and Salas are nothing. Woods is a great effort guy. A better Roscoe Parrish. Of course Watkins is a stud but he's not playing so his contribution is moot.
  15. Prescott is fine. I'd rather have the Dallas O-line.
  16. Don't get me wrong: I like the guy. He plays hard and has nice hands. But let's not kid ourselves about who he is.
  17. The Hillary lie that comes closest to the way Trump delivers his lies is her Benghazi "attacks related to the cartoons" work. No reason to say that and yet she did and stuck with it. Bizzarro.
  18. I'm talking about finding the first derivative and you just answered "squirrel." I disagree. Hillary is covering up her mistakes and dishonesty. Trump is doing something different. Did I say Obama was respectful? Trump said Obama was screaming at the protester, and he said it multiple times. We've all seen him do this hyper-exagerated and easy to expose lying--I just wonder what it is that allows him to do this. It's disturbing.
  19. All tickets were free. Easy anecdote for you Jim.
  20. Are you taking your pick-me-up meds this morning? I also make observations about candidates I haven't met. Jinx.
  21. Is the viewer of this video Darth Vader?
  22. You don't get it. Hillary lies to cover up her actions. I'm asking, why does Trump so consistently lie? He moves his lips and lies come out. Watch him talk about that protestor moment that got all the play this week. Trump goes on and on about how Obama was "screaming" at the protestor. And this is not the first time. Trump lies when there's video proof of his lies. It's some odd compulsion. He has no relationship to the truth. And I know you can't do this, but stay on target. I'm talking about Trump, not Clinton. She has her own 300 page thread.
  23. Why is Trump lying about Obama yelling at the protestor the other day? What is the point of his compulsive lying?
  24. I would have made my observation before I attended either one. The people attending the rallies are no surprise. On the second point, agreed. Neither one is a uniter.
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