My daughter is 15. She voted with my wife and pushed the cast vote button together. Say what you will about Hillary, that moment will be one my daughter will remember for her life and someday a better candidate will shatter the glass ceiling.
She woke up disappointed. Her friends are disappointed. Some were in histrionics. But I told her the Churchill quote, reminded her that she votes on her own in 2020, and we had a good discussion about how being in a democracy means sometimes your candidate loses and you should listen to the winners and try to understand what upset them. She got it.
She's watching Trump warily (as are we all!) but I takes her into trying to look for his good traits: no special interests, unafraid of DC, speaks his mind (!), is a voice for people who feel left behind.
I also told her our family is ok. Home is ok. None of that will change.
And lo and behold, she's ok.