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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. I hope the Pegula's retain Rex for another year, regardless of the outcome of this season.
  2. You do realize this is a Trump thread right?
  3. It's not necessarily a good thing...but assuming he doesn't turn the US into a parking lot in 4 years, he will be something to watch.
  4. This ain't going to be easy for the right either. Today he said he things it's fine for TG people to use whatever bathroom they want. He's certainly going to be a headline. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2016/04/21/donald-trump-says-transgender-people-should-use-the-bathroom-they-want/
  5. I'm building bridges to something we cal all agree on.
  6. Agreed. But Ayotte for SecDef caught me off guard. Yikes. I didn't see that. OK, he's another whacko.
  7. Donald Trump Is Picking His Cabinet: Here's a Short List ... www.nytimes. ‎ With the exceptions of Bannon and Palin who are both WTF names, most of that list (of the names more familiar to me), look palatable.
  8. Yes the 3rd grade Hill rhetoric continues to reign supreme.
  9. Yeah. That is a deeply disturbing pick. The rest currently under discussion are par for the course, really. But Bannon is not someone I want my president aligned with. Especially a president without a firm moral compass.
  10. Once the mid terms flip the Senate, there won't be any more SC Justice hearings.
  11. If you've met B-man, you've met Bannon.
  12. Starting to take place. Priebus is first as Trump's Chief of Staff. State leading name in Gingrich, which is interesting since he's a free trader and for a path to citizenship for illegals.
  13. Well, the Trump lawsuits will certainly help the country too.
  14. Almost choked when I heard McConnell lecturing the Dems on how they had to work with Trump since he's the rightfully elected president. He's right but what a piece of excrement.
  15. Those 4 years also set up a top notch economy!
  16. My daughter is 15. She voted with my wife and pushed the cast vote button together. Say what you will about Hillary, that moment will be one my daughter will remember for her life and someday a better candidate will shatter the glass ceiling. She woke up disappointed. Her friends are disappointed. Some were in histrionics. But I told her the Churchill quote, reminded her that she votes on her own in 2020, and we had a good discussion about how being in a democracy means sometimes your candidate loses and you should listen to the winners and try to understand what upset them. She got it. She's watching Trump warily (as are we all!) but I takes her into trying to look for his good traits: no special interests, unafraid of DC, speaks his mind (!), is a voice for people who feel left behind. I also told her our family is ok. Home is ok. None of that will change. And lo and behold, she's ok.
  17. I'm trying to give him a clean, or at lease erased slate. But please take back the twitter. Please let's not let president elect and soon president Trump attack the media for inciting protests (today), and god knows what tomorrow. Im rooting for a guy who will be unafraid to bash up DC and his handlers who can keep his worst tendencies in a box.
  18. Was talking to someone about this today. Sanders or Warren, both populists, would have beaten Trump. Clinton won the popular vote.
  19. 1928? That's not glowing historical precedent.
  20. I'd rather he focus his attention forward. Not a Hillary supporter but let's get going in a new direction and not a vindictive one.
  21. Shocking demographics of the night: 29% of Latino voters voted for Trump. Also won college educated whites.
  22. Putin smiles. Good luck President Trump. I hope you can truly drain the swamp and heal the divide.
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