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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. I have lots of friends who would identify as atheist/agnostic. Some are amazingly charitable and caring. Some are dicks. Same on the church side. There is probably a correlation study somewhere about who gives more but in my anecdotal experience, there are good people in every belief system. (Except Ozy's.)
  2. Right, but to fire them on the last Tuesday of the season is spiteful and doesn't help the team in any way. It's purely to eff the coach, which does not make this an attractive landing site for the next one. I am hoping for Schwartz. Bills can only get a retread at this point.
  3. Given the firing today was only done to humiliate Rex, this won't be an attractive job (if it ever was).
  4. True but it seemed like Rex was a Pegula hire, if you remember.
  5. Why haven't you posted about child abuse in the last 3 years? Are you pro-child abuse? You are PART OF THE PROBLEM.
  6. It's still a higher priority than the great bathroom panic of '16.
  7. Hard to pin this topic down. So far we have Tillerson as SoS, who has no track record really. Trump all over the map on China and the Middle East. Russia...god knows. The only policy piece that seems clear is a firm belief in government intervention and protectionism on trade. Any other clear statements yet? The good news is Obama set the bar so, so low. Barring widespread nuclear war, he can only do better.
  8. No idea. Don't care. The thing to care about from yesterday? Trump and Putin posturing about nukes. That might matter more than a guy at a gym using the women's lockers.
  9. Use the ignore. Don't respond. He stays because Tom and others give him love.
  10. Gonna go ahead and put this low on my priority list. But it makes good talk show fodder. Easy to digest.
  11. Trolls feeding trolls.
  12. Trolly mcTrollstein. I'm always one to latch on to a grammar argument. For others, be vigilant and do it right, not like this Hogboy incarnation.
  13. Even when faced with being inarguably and factually wrong, you stick to your narcissistic teddy bear that you're right, and even link to "proof." From your link, "The most common question people ask about quotation marks is whether periods and commas go inside or outside, and the answer depends on where your audience lives because in American English we always put periods and commas inside quotation marks," You've lost this one, badly. Better to concede you're wrong than keep up the charade. I continue to challenge you to find an American source to support your usage, and let's try to remain credible instead of sites like that one you linked to even though it also proved you wrong.
  14. The top 9 threads here have last posts in them by B-Man or Tiberius, as do 12 of the top 14. Diarrhea, uh uh.
  15. I attacked a Nazi. Do you really want to defend him? Hillary was an atrocious arrogant candidate who made no move to connect to the working class. Ding ding the witch is dead. I can't stand her. So who's crying? You can separate criticism of Trump from love of Hillary. Dear Hillary, Please go away. Or just go do good work. Become Jimmy Carter and build a better world but the hell away from politics. I wonder if she overuses emoticons.
  16. Your point is a real one, worthy of consideration, but every time you do this, that dirtbag Ozy smiles.
  17. Most of us, including many Republicans, are not advocating what you posted. But if you want to spend time talking to Tiberius, please do. He's apparently a favorite around here.
  18. I look forward to the day when you and your ilk die off. Enjoy your brief moment in the sun. It's going to last about as long as when the gold-bugs all start feel like holding on to the bullion was worth it...once every 20 years.
  19. Is this the same better school where you "learned" to put periods and commas outside quotation marks? I wouldn't brag about that. The good news about Head Narcissist's posts is that the I I I refrain makes me sing Crazy Train.
  20. Deranged, btw, eff off for any confusion between my initials and the poster formerly known as BF!
  21. Read. The. Statement. It's pretty straightforward. And. I.e. Members of Congress to the extent they can appear to verify the statement.
  22. Both bother me. This is the issue of the moment. You get that right? Or shall we revisit the magic bullet or twin towers conspiracies? Did John Wilkes Booh act alone? The truth is out there.
  23. She lost the election because she was a crap candidate who couldn't begin to connect with an angry electorate. Irrelevant to this. Deranged, you hear what you want to hear from the sources only you believe.
  24. You don't think that this is a big deal, regardless of who won/lost? Russians used their hacking to attempt to influence our election. I'd say that's a big deal. Trump still won. That's not debatable. The USIC said it was the Russians. That's. it a leaked source. It was publicly announced FFS. But I guess you have a better source?
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