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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Dumbass. I dont think there was any collusion with Trump. Zero point zero. The questions were asked. They have been answered. Barring a bombshell from Mueller, there’s no collusion. But there is still a Russia problem. Keep telling stories Storytime. It’s what you do. You used to be better at tying your fiction to reality. Now you can’t even do that. Where did Q predict the day Mueller would recommend no jail time for Flynn? Find some decency. Maybe joking about touching boys on a bulletin board is not the best display of your particular “character.”
  2. Striking down things like the preexisting conditions and other “good” aspects of the ACA, as well as those that were not working and that the Rs didn’t fix when they had the chance, will be front and center in 2020. The SC case will be argued and/or decided during the 2020 campaign. Probably good for for Ds.
  3. You probably mean this as an indictment of the left morans who think the Russians fixed the vote and that Trump peed on hookers. You don’t like their dumb stories and prefer your own dumb stories. Your lemming group and their lemming group are both idiots Storytime.
  4. Willfully blind eye to the Russkies. Guess you won't be part of the Wolverines.
  5. Multitasking is not that hard. You Deep State guys seem to turn a blind eye to the Russian thing, even at the points of the spectrum where it’s not just libs freaking out and it's undeniably real. Your reaction is usually something like: Nose pick! 57 states! Squirrel! Try to stay on topic Foxxy. What about the Russians.
  6. That’s a dull observation and doesn’t address how to deal with Russia doing it to us.
  7. Defeat me and I'll teach you. For now, eat crow like a good boy.
  8. Me too. But that wasnt the point. Orton was giving a lecture to us on how he was “educating” —his words—everyone. This high horsed lecture was brought to us by a guy who didn’t see him return. Being wrong is no no big deal. Not owning it and talking down to the people who point out when you’re wrong is obnoxious and deserves to be called out.
  9. You’re so scary observant that you didn’t see him come back into the game and hear the announcers talk about it. I’ll pass on lessons from you.
  10. If we are going to pretend to be human at PPP, I agree. I’d love having a beer with him and laughing as he rambled on about “the man.” I’d just hate all the windowless vans parking in front of my house and the damn UFOs while I’m sleeping.
  11. If you don't read everything OCinBuffa...I mean Storytime Greg posts, you're ill-informed. For a good laugh, you should ask him to explain where his hero Q predicted the day of Mueller asking for no jail time for Flynn. He can't answer, but he can call you names if challenge him on it. I'm his doctor and have to clear the sh*t out him now and then.
  12. Like all good conspiracies, Storytime Greggy’s Deep State can be whatever he wants it to be. What you won’t find is him making any firm predictions about it.
  13. Got it. Your life fits in with all the conspiracy nonsense at PPP. You're in the right forum.
  14. That underlined part is *****. It's quitting your job when you have bills to pay. Taking a pay cut and buying a Mercedes. If anything, what the Rs do is worse than what the Ds do. At least the Ds spend more AND raise your taxes. That strategy is f*cked too but it's not as long term f*cked as spending more and raising less. The Rs are pathetic on finances.
  15. Fortunately the fiscally responsible party had two years to fix it and did...oh...they did dick. But we will build that wall damn it!
  16. So many good ones. But I like the Jaime plotline best.
  17. He makes child-touching jokes too. Sick stuff for a guy with his record.
  18. In early November, I was so worried but now that the election has passed, it all seems less frightening. Is the Blue Wave making us safer?
  19. Smooth couple of years for the leadership team so far. And now that he's appointing more sycophants, he can finally do whatever strikes his fancy. What could go wrong?
  20. Yes, but Beane will be careful on guaranteed money and long term commitments. Older players have a habit of hitting the wall suddenly.
  21. It’s been fun. Poof.
  22. He posited nonsense, then later quoted himself positing nonsense because he was so excited about it. I'm sure you're just as eager to defend Tiberius's theories as a "pretense of rationality." You caught the stupid. Shake it off.
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