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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Like when you told us all about the conspiracies afoot to elect Hillary?
  2. You are retarded. Go to Fox's fact check link. Go to any one of a hundred news stories. This isn't up for debate. Trump lied. Spicer lied. Google it. Read the news. Being well-informed requires some work on your part, not mine.
  3. From the guy who loves to make stuff up, you continue to do so. Obama's foreign policy was perhaps the worst since Johnson. Good luck finding me complimenting it.
  4. He made ignore today but well-played. Oh, and to you and others who keep shortening my name to BF, blow me.
  5. Remember when you had the Illuminati handing Hillary the presidency? I'll go ahead and not believe your conspiracies since they change with the tides.
  6. Facts are stubborn things. Trump did not have the highest inauguration turnout. It was not the first time the protective covering was used. Why even bother making such easy to check lies? Even Fox calls them lies, both when Trump said them and when Spicer had the press conference. Jesus, is this going to be 4 years of uber-stupidity like this? Sorry. I didn't realize you were another troll. I should have known by the idiocy of your posts. What a waste of oxygen.
  7. Do you know who the current president is? Or is keeping looking backwards serving you well? And that's why we consider you the fool you are. I quoted them. Even on Fox News they are covering the lies from Spicers presser.
  8. Keep forgiving Trump's lies and he'll happily keep spoon feeding them to you. Of course, you do love you some stupid-juice.
  9. You're OK with the press secretary going out and telling bald-faced lies that are indisputable on his second day? No concerns about that? If Spicer had come out and attacked the press for running with the MLK bust story, fair game. But why the other excrement?
  10. Just caught this--thought you were talking about Trump.
  11. This is the wacko conspiracy thread so I'd like to thank Third for staying on topic.
  12. Chelsea Handler gets a thread but Chelsea Bradley Manning doesn't?
  13. On MTP this morning, Kellyanne Conway called Spicer/Trump's lies about the inauguration crowd "alternate facts." This Orwellian doublespeak is such a thing of beauty that it deserves a thread title. Here are some early flat lies from Spicer/Trump. "This was the first time in our nation's history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall." "We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama's last inaugural. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration -- period -- both in person and around the globe." I'll root for his success but the lies he uses to protect his thin skin are BS.
  14. He will have to hold as Clay Matthew's jaw just cut in.
  15. You go for the watermelon and fried chicken jokes too? Those are knee slappers.
  16. Traveling in different time zones.
  17. Doesn't bother you then? To see his rambling "lahjik?"
  18. Who is more coherent? Trump or Miss Teen South Carolina? TRUMP: Oh, I see. I might have brought it up. But not having to do with me, just I mean, the wind is a very deceiving thing. First of all, we dont make the windmills in the United States. Theyre made in Germany and Japan. Theyre made out of massive amounts of steel, which goes into the atmosphere, whether its in our country or not, it goes into the atmosphere. The windmills kill birds and the windmills need massive subsidies. In other words, were subsidizing wind mills all over this country. I mean, for the most part they dont work. I dont think they work at all without subsidy, and that bothers me, and they kill all the birds. You go to a windmill, you know in California they have the, what is it? The golden eagle? And theyre like, if you shoot a golden eagle, they go to jail for five years and yet they kill them by, they actually have to get permits that theyre only allowed to kill 30 or something in one year. The windmills are devastating to the bird population, O.K. With that being said, theres a place for them. But they do need subsidy. So, if I talk negatively. Ive been saying the same thing for years about you know, the wind industry. I wouldnt want to subsidize it. Some environmentalists agree with me very much because of all of the things I just said, including the birds, and some dont. But its hard to explain. I dont care about anything having to do with anything having to do with anything other than the country.
  19. Cattle are worse for the environment (land runoff and use) but they are delicious and good for you. AM radio hangs on by a thread. Be thankful anyone is advertising.
  20. Not true. Many NFL owners avoid the spotlight. Maybe even most. I want my owners to hire good people to run their team, not answer questions about which QB should start.
  21. Besides living for years in Mississippi, no. Take your assumptions elsewhere.
  22. The ratio of fake to real conspiracies on the web is what? 8,000,000 to one? You have your own batch of gems. You certainly frequent the crazy sites. How's autism linked to vaccines? That one you like? 9-11 inside job? Kennedy? You're the king of conspiracies--you believe a million wacky tin foil hat things. I am concerned about the people who just buy the echo chamber conspiracies like pizza gate and how they might grow up to follow guys like you.
  23. Interesting article. Sad survey. People love conspiracies and are dumb enough to believe them. Maybe the worst is how many people of both parties buy in to "Vaccines cause autism" and the US government planned 9/11. But of course all the other usual suspects are there too: Pizza gate, birther, etc.
  24. Of course he's right. The top questions were going to be all about EJ starting and they let the guy having his first head coaching press conference, and who is against the decision, answer them. Good leadership would have owned that decision and taken the heat on it from Lynn.
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