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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. He [Trump] said 3 to 5 million people could have voted illegally, based on the studies that hes seen, - Spicer Not maybe a lie but a fairy tale backed by Alex Jones. Safely falls in Trump's alternate facts. What a nightmare. It's Tuesday. Only Tuesday.
  2. They walked off he stage after a guy whispered in their ear Tom! They walked off the stage!!!??!!
  3. Interesting. I remember when I found TBD, a slightly more evolved site than the Rochester D&C discussion board. That was circa 95 or 96 (I remember the job I was working at). I don't remember when Scott flushed us into the PPP toilet bowl. Smart move for sure, but I can't recall when it happened.
  4. Says every party that just won an election. Kumbaya will last 6 months.
  5. Bush was terrible. The Iraq invasion was beyond reprehensible. But he kept a steady hand in the ME and took the war to the enemy. I do not agree with his policy but it was pretty clear. Obama set, stepped back from, moved right, left, reset the US foreign policy like the wind. His was a total disaster and the world, especially the ME, never knew where the US stood. IT pains me but I'd give Bush the nod on foreign policy over Obama even though he did get us into a war.
  6. I give Bannon most of the Trump credit, with a nod to Hillary's arrogance.
  7. Klaro. I take solace that in a nearby universe, President Belichek is settling into the office and the Bills are in the playoffs.
  8. Conway's consistent poor choice of words is on her. She's an idiot. I care a lot more about Spicer's exacting choice of words (lies). The WH Press Secretary's job is to give facts to the press. It's actually a big deal when the Press Secretary passes bad info to the press and Spicer flat lied on Day 2. Not a good sign. It's amateur hour and we all expect the new admin to sort of suck in the first few months, but these aren't mistakes of being new.
  9. Who eats the cookie? Gary? Or Nanker? Gator? Sorry boys. Trump created the alternate facts. Glad you feel so happy ignoring them.
  10. Ignore the current guy and attack the last guy. That's novel. Maybe gator can come in and quote Bush. You two can get a room and circle up all day long!
  11. Anti free trade advocates are economic Luddites.
  12. I can't believe we live in a world where Al Franken is in Congress. I take solace in the thought of parallel universes.
  13. Who needs free trade anyways? The right is becoming the left.
  14. But we know you. You have a theory.
  15. Still can't get to substance? Well played. I don't care what you know or don't know about my posts. Someone above said I was not critical of Obama, as if that would undermine a critique of Trump. I was. Doesn't change the fact that Trump is a liar (Sorry WSJ...I said it).
  16. It's gonna take two clicks hoss. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/191788-president-trumps-alternate-facts/?p=4230275 And whatever you do, keep on this track instead of discussing the "alternate facts" of Kellanne Conway, Trump's lies, and that the press secretary is a puppet for the lies. I'm also DC Tom.
  17. I forget where DR is on 9-11. Did Elon Musk's UFO fly into the twin towers? I cant keep the conspiracies straight.
  18. There's a search function. And I added the link to help you out. Deflect, evade, divert attendion, name-call. But whatever you do, don't look at the truth of the premise here. Trump lied. Then the WH Press Secretary lied. On totally stupid and easily exposable ****.
  19. Still don't want to respond to the substance or read the news? Shocker. You are exactly the Trump shill he hopes you'll be. Find things that align with what you believe to be right and ignore the truth. Echo, echo, echo. Here you go Nj Sue II.
  20. Straight out of the Dwight Drane school. Keep changing the predictions. One of them is bound to be right eventually.
  21. You mean like when I said this in 2014 "The executive has long been overstepping its bounds, more and more each president. I thought I'd never seen anyone as bad as dub ya...until Obama. I'm sure the next person will beat Obama." Whups. Guess you're wrong again. Again. Again. Again.
  22. Read the news you ignorant moron. Or read this post where I NJ Sued it up for you from your preferred source.
  23. His refutation of my point is that I said "illuminati." He's not denying that he lectured us for months about the conspiracy to elect Hillary. His conspiracy group has another name. I've heard it but can't place it off the top of my head. Which is just the way they want it.
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