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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Lower left is the shift key.
  2. Of course. I posted about it on Obamas watch too. It's a nightmare for all of us.
  3. Because executive orders can't overreach.
  4. Bwahahaha. I listened to a one hour interview with the author of the study this week. While it's mathematically "plausible" as he says, that 800,000 illegals voted, his study in now way shape or form concludes it. And even if it did, it still wouldn't support the Don's claim that 4 times that many people voted illegally. And where are these people? Why can't we find them? Surely if almost a million people voted illegally, ten thousand or so must have been caught, right? Lemming it up boys. Or read the study. Or listen to interviews with the study's author. Facts are stubborn things.
  5. Why believe the US Intelligence Community when you can believe yourself, right? That kikd of thinking can get you elected president. Of course even the president gave a nod to evidence of Russian interference but why believe him. Go with your gut Ryan. Evidence Shmevidence.
  6. Maybe um, the myriad intelligence community statements, Congressmen with Intel briefings, and even the president? But besides that, none.
  7. ? I drive two Toyotas and don't remember using the cars I drive to boost credibility in an argument. I put no weight in where you went to school, the car you drive, or your SAT scores.
  8. Lots of evidence of Russian election interference. No evidence of voter fraud. Conclusion: Investigate big city voting. Yay, us.
  9. Of 3+ million illegal voters, Fox can't get one person on camera to tell their voter fraud story? This should be a huge expose with hundreds of sources. This is the hugest coverup ever. The truth is out there. We made it to Friday.
  10. Hey Don, wait until your voters find out about the eminent domain issues about to happen to their land. Don't mess with Texas?
  11. And now I see reports that these were appointees who resigned already but chose today to walk out the door. Whatever. Meathead, Ozy isn't someone labeled a racist. He's an honest to god neo Nazi who posts here. And your "I love brown people" post is absurdly out of place and had nothing to do with the topic. Which is why you're being mocked. That, and "here's my resume, bow before me" posts don't further an argument.
  12. Great bit of history. Thank you for sharing and contributing to this outlet. Rivals. Oofah.
  13. Not most of the protestors. Don't fan the flames. Apparently there are operatives in our midst here at PPP. What a horrible job that would be.
  14. Which is why I say, go straight to voter ID legislation. No one gives a rats ass already what happened in the election. And it's not like Trump cares if he gets called a racist. (He cares deeply about every slight but at least he can pretend he doesn't care.)
  15. At least we're spending money in the US to build the Jenga tower.
  16. So you're with Deranged? While there may be some money in those protests, go with the simpler explanation. A bunch of unemployed SJWs can spend time anywhere without clean clothes and soap. Doesn't cost much to live on weed and Doritos.
  17. Reacting is different than surprised. He needs to be ceaselessly called on his bull ****. Unlike others here who decry, " What's the worst that can happen," I worry.
  18. Who didn't know that was coming? I hoped for unicorns and rainbows to come and for him to change. But I also want to play in the NBA.
  19. Looked into baseless statements? Should they look into the tooth fairy too? Trump will now launch an investigation, spending tons of money, based on ... bupkis. If he's concerned based on his buddy Alex Jones's research, why not just simply push for voter ID laws? Skip the study on the past election and go for the fix. It would surely pass and it's long overdue. It's 2016 and I can vote 80 times if I want to. Absurd. It's Wednesday.
  20. You mean you predicted a Trump presidency? I definitely didn't do that. I thought he'd lose every step of the way.
  21. I did this for a few years. Shave is about the same as regular. Cheaper blades. But let's not lie. You get cut sometimes and that does not happen with modern razors. I now use Harry's. No need for the vibrating 10$ blades.
  22. Iceland is amazing. Went last year. Easy flight. Great people. Cheaper than mainland Europe. Highly recommended.
  23. Yes, just you three. The rest of us didn't think a reality star would continue to be just that.
  24. "I wasn't there, but if the President of the United States is claiming that 3.5 million people voted illegally, that shakes confidence in our democracy he needs to disclose why he believes that," Graham told CNN Wait that sounds reasonable.
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