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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. This guy gives so much real fodder for idiocy. Why post a lie?
  2. He's his own brand of crap. Obama he's not. I'd take George Sr in a heartbeat. Barbara can wheel him into the Oval Office tomorrow.
  3. I know attacking the news is the play of the day but if you want to pick a different source feel free. The content of his decisions is the same. The rates to accept a call from prison are absurd. I had someone close in prison for a long time. A 2 minute conversation was $15. That helped no one but the rapacious telephone co. There's no competition in that space. Sure it's limited and who gives a crap about prisoners but it's a really bad system and hurts almost only poor people who have even less chance of reform if they get less outside contact.
  4. I really can't keep up with the stupidity. It does look like Trump at least listens to the anti vaccine movement. I'm sure he "knows more than the [generals/doctors/scientists]" on that too.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/05/technology/trumps-fcc-quickly-targets-net-neutrality-rules.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share Being covered elsewhere too but NYT has the article that captures all the changes.
  6. Net neutrality going down fast. Also the gem of driving up prison phone rates beyond the already incredibly rapacious rates that benefit only tel cos.
  7. You could win the Internet today....
  8. "Any negative polls are fake polls." Good sign of a stable guy willing to hear criticism.
  9. You win angriest old man. No DR. I responded because the fogies were in a geritol pong deathmatch.
  10. Ask yourself that. I don't support this ass clown.
  11. Nope. You're not worth engaging in discussion. You've proven that.
  12. Yes you love him. No shock there. Low wattage ideas powering dim bulbs.
  13. The part where he blames LGBT violence on the LGBT community? You know, extrapolate a handful of bad actors to blame the entire community? Logic with appeal to the mouth breather. And no, if you think I watched the entire video, I didn't. I'd rather read one of DR's conspiracy pieces.
  14. Looks like a showdown between Jim and Meathead for the Brimley role.
  15. Try and keep up Hoss. Bowling Green Massacre happened this week and you're still getting wet over 57 states from 8 years ago. Alternate reality. Good that Obama gave you a couple gems. Hard keeping up with this administration's idiocy. In just the last week the ever vigorous Frederick Douglass is active in the Bowling Green Massacre, and Sean Spicer tweeted an Onion story! Stay tuned for next week when Batman gets nominated to run Homeland Security.
  16. Latest move from his highness: Questions the legitimacy of a federal judge. And yet he complains when anyone questions his own rise. He is an evil seed.
  17. Is this thread an audition for Cocoon 2?
  18. Yeah, you would like him. Like a moth to a flame.
  19. Don't worry HOFWatkins: No one mistakes you for an Economist reader. Your posting style reflects how you engage with magazines. Read the article, don't just look at the pictures. The Economist is not Playboy. If America doesn't honor its word, administration to administration, then we are a puppet dictatorship country, unreliable long-term as anyone's ally and trading partner. Trump's approach to the world is to sh*t on honoring American honor and do what he alone thinks is right. And thus, the molotov cocktail photo. The best line from that piece is the reference to Bannon as the "chucker in chief."
  20. Oh no, a pro girl ad that talks about the reality of the gender gap. Woe is me. The right only cares when the left whines.
  21. Even that site, which has the highest I've seen, has never had him at 60. And the trend isn't up on that site, it's down. Please find a better alternate fact. http://m.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_feb3 He picked a good future justice this week. There's that.
  22. You keep saying it but even Fox News is going with polls that show him at 49. http://nation.foxnews.com/2017/02/01/there-some-big-league-news-about-president-trumps-new-approval-rating
  23. I don't see him higher than 40s on any non wingnut site.
  24. Gator owns you all. You can have back the pre-return board. It goes like this. Ignore him.
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