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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Can you be like Dwight Drane and make a big board of predictions...and then leave in shame when they don't come true? You conspiracist end of the world people are exhausting because you change the date and manner of armageddon so often.
  2. Trump wrong on Gorsuch's criticism of Trump's attacks on the judiciary. Then later lies in tirade about CNN reporter. If I made a thread about Trump truths, it might take less bandwidth. https://apple.news/ARmNTVe7rTdSHxbGy09YiNw
  3. Enters from stage left: Deranged with a link to the anti-vaccine movement. We set this thread up just for you!
  4. Trying...so...hard...to give a ...sh&&. Can't do it.
  5. Used? Yes of course. Anyone would use it to push their agenda. Used the way Trump uses it? To spew unfiltered ill thought out brain farts? No. When someone sends something private, it's up to the receiver whether to publish it. Trump publicly attacked in the only way a kitty like him can do it. Internet muscles backed with Potus cred. He wanted the bully pulpit to hurt Nordstrom. He didn't privately threaten Tom Nordstrom with a punch in the nose. That would have been a more manly (albeit also retarded) thing to do but we couldn't expect that from Trump. Sorry. I've used up my caring quotient on this particular bit of presidential sophomorish behavior.
  6. I know better but I'm as much an !@#$ as anyone and sometimes more. I know better but I'm as much an !@#$ as anyone and sometimes more.
  7. That's a population reduction plan I can get on board with. If you're too stupid to vaccinate, you're too stupid to breed.
  8. Harry often wrote passionate letters that he didn't send. He had a habit of writing out his emotion, putting the letter in a drawer, then returning to it the next day to see if he should send it. So...his single letter to an individual is not exactly like Trump on Twitter or Trump in front of any audience. And that would have been on them. Truman wrote a man a letter from a man. That meant something that the windbag bully Trump couldn't begin to understand. And that would have been on them. Truman wrote a man a letter from a man. That meant something that the windbag bully Trump couldn't begin to understand.
  9. He voted for Trump on a whim. I didn't vote for Clinton. In any event, I shouldn't have attacked Jim personally. Sorry Jim.
  10. You tried to make a point that I voted for Clinton because I took my teen daughter and friends to see Perry. But you were wrong. Again. I appreciate the nomination for elite status. But of course it was Hillary's arrogance towards her deplorables that lost her the election. She certainly lost by living a n her **** elite bubble. Calling mid America dumb and treating them that way is despicable and supports the best arguments for the electoral college. Don't confuse me calling my you an angry old man who cast his vote carelessly with how I feel about middle America.
  11. It's going to be Booker in 2020 for the Dems. No chance it will be Trump for the reps.
  12. Of course she was. And if I'd voted for Clinton suckincincy...err...Jim might have a point.
  13. Tiberius I have on ignore. I can't do that with Jim's president. I suspect that this will get old very fast and businesses will tell him to eff off. He's going to lose his bully pulpit quickly at this rate.
  14. Who decided based on a Katy Perry concert? Good soundbyte though.
  15. Jesus H. When will this !@#$ing nightmare end.
  16. Dog was not this guy. He was another total narcissist. Gator is a kook but different flavor.
  17. Your presidential vote was Trump, made on a Kardashian-like whim. Yesterday referred to your and Tom's guy's latest alternate fact.
  18. The joke is on someone, but not me. More alternate facts straight out of Jim's choice for president from yesterday. "It wasn't to their [the media of course] advantage to say that. The murder rate is the highest it's been in I guess 45-47 years."
  19. Unblocking you to note you're an arrogant bubble-living judgmental douchenozzle.
  20. DC Tom's president's new campaign of lies: The media does not cover terrorist attacks. When the media (including Fox), challenged this, the admin put out a list of attacks that went uncovered. The list includes Brussels, Paris, and Florida, among others that were covered in detail. http://fox4kc.com/2017/02/07/pres-trump-accuses-media-of-not-covering-terrorist-attacks-cites-78-examples/ Not that you'll get this, but this was more than someone mispeaking. Conway has talked about the Bowling Green Massacre before: Story.
  21. President Trump will attack anyone including the family of a war hero but he won't say one bad word about Putin.
  22. And Tiberius and B-man have posting diarrhea. I'm all over but in order, WSJ, NY Times, POTUS radio, Meet the Press (I'll never stop missing Tim), Economist. Never watch TV news unless there's truly a breaking story and then I usually go for CNN with checkins to Fox and BBC.
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