Who gave us Trump?
Angry white guys, i.e., PPP.
Millennials wanted Bernie. Settled for votes for Clinton and Johnson.
Good point. Not one he will listen to but valid and insightful at a level that will only get mocked here.
But RFK has zero scientific basis for his whacko beliefs. There is no controversy until a loon is involved. This is like having Alex Jones investigate if we landed on the moon.
Trump makes stupid statements all the time. He apologizes for none of them.
Apologies make a difference in a world of human frailty.
Maybe Coumo is a disaster and his apologies would fall on deaf ears. I don't know the guy. But he offered a sincere mea culpa.
Don't equate the anarchists who have nothing to do with the huge majority of protestors.
My point was that if you want to March on D.C. and other public protests, cool. That is American and being done peacefully.
But let Davos do her job. Be heard but don't be a douche. .
So the USIC didn't make a statement on Russian hacking?
And that statement wasn't backed by senators who had been briefed on the details?
Even Trump?
I can't imagine why the intel community won't reveal their secrets. Waaah.
Sure, I'll believe you and your secret sources. Please post again how the intel community squabbles and miss the point.
Saw footage of protestors shouting down Davis as she entered a school. Dirtbaggy.
And...what happens when you eke out a win and don't govern from the middle. Party of No vs Party of Ram it Down Their Throats Redux.
You're a conspiracy guy. Forgive me for not descending into the depths of your secret lair to combat Hydra.
I quoted the IC statement. Over and over. You responded with pages of stuff that I mostly ignored. That's honest.
Illuminati vs your conspiracy group of choice. We all know your theory is that she was pre-ordained. Until she wasn't and you changed your conspiracy theory to suit the facts.
Sort of like when the end of world guys revise their calculations the day after Armageddon.
Please link to where I explained how the IC functions. Or you can link to where I quoted it. And your 800 pages of responses about how you know the inner workings of our intel community.
That's cool. You can call it the big board of conspiracy predictions. You're 0 for 1 on telling us how the Illuminati chose Hillary but I'm happy to reset the score.