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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. I'll trade you Trump and the Patriots straight up for JT and the Oilers.
  2. I care because like Azalin pointed out, YOU fill the board with Gator and it makes the board suck. It's not about elitism. It's about you and Tom giving that moron a place to endlessly post.
  3. I was not trying to saddle you with Trudeau or Harper. I was just making reference to your president, much like Trump is mine.
  4. This topic is leaking into 20 threads. My question now echoes from Watergate, "What did the president know and when did he know it?" Also want more info on what Flynn discussed and what is the nature of the Trump campaign contacts with Russian intel. I might have contacted Russian intel when I picked up my rental car today.
  5. Meazza is all about Justin. Did we cover the amateur hour at the Mar a Lago dinner? The casual attitude of Trump towards intel? Really is hard to keep up with the admin.
  6. Didn't sift all the discussion here but if the NSA was listening in on the Russkie, that is OK. And they can even listen in to his calls with an American. The issue is in the dissemination of the call info. The leakers are in deep crap.
  7. Flynn talked to the Russian ambassador while on his mobile phone on a beach in the Dominican Republic. That's in the WaPo story. https://wpo.st/QApb2
  8. In the name of the father son and Holy Spirit Amen.
  9. Yeah, you and TPS can share the cookie. I'm out.
  10. Higher social animals know when they act badly. Not an argument for biblical bases for morality.
  11. Agreed. He just hung the VP and others out to dry. Trump would never use these tactics.
  12. Anything to cut off proliferation of those genes.
  13. So this thread is only for wacky conspiracies? Not rational explanations? Good to know. And remember kids: don't put your hat in the microwave.
  14. My name is Mike Flynn and I approve this message.
  15. Surely couldn't just be people who don't like Trump and Flynn who leaked it. You always ignore Occam's Razor in favor of the Ian Fleming narrative. 9-11 thoughts? What really happened G?
  16. Trump won't be president in 5 or 2 years. I say this with the authority of someone who was wrong every step of the way on Trump. That said, yes: The media freak out and behavior is atrocious right now. Trump is surely s disaster but it's hard to find a source that is being rationally critical. (Thank you WSJ.)
  17. It's an image from Colbert that is part of the article. I had to go to the actual story before that came clear. The image is watermarked and and the story is all about the pillorying of Miller.
  18. There's a transcript of the Flynn call. If there was more, it will come out. Sounds like it was nothing more than really poor judgment by a guy who was eager to get started on the job. And then later lied about it.
  19. Backlog of circus. Excellent. So I need to watch this in TiVo FAst Forward? I read somewhere that a Mar a lago guest posed for a photo with the Army football carrier this weekend. Didn't have time to visit that one, or the Mar a lago patio as strategic command. Not enough hours in the day.
  20. Buck up little buddy, this is more your speed Still waiting on your 9-11 theories.
  21. Boy Blunder: I offered a lot of thoughts on why Hillary lost to Trump in other threads. In this thread attacking young people, where the star analysts are angry white guys, age and sex was the counterpoint to show which demo most supported Trump. Hope you can comprehend that in between the Captain's ping pong balls bouncing around in your mind. One of these days, you should give us your 9-11 theories. You keep dodging on that. I wonder why.
  22. Exactly. What under 25 year old ever sounded smart? Everyone is a work in progress. Idealism is great. It is the hope that fuels innovation and creativity. The actual creation takes place in reality though. Cheer the millennials. We were all them once.
  23. The reasons are many. Hillary was an arrogant woman who ignored rural USA. Really? My anecdote about 4 posters here doesn't extend to the entire country. Thanks for that. No one can accuse you of being one of the sharper tools in the shed. There were many reasons Trump won. But in a thread filled with old white guys talking about age groups, I can keep it Captain Kangaroo simple for you: What demo of sex and age did Trump win the most?
  24. Trump's biggest demo win was with old white men. And if you didn't see anger in the voting base supporting Trump, you didn't pay attention. Take the anecdotal survey here. Tom, Jim, Nanker, Dev, etc. Angry old honkeys. Never said mellenials weren't angry. But good straw man.
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