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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Your source for "leaking" is Assange. My source for "hacking" is everyone else. Ever the conspiracist.
  2. Greggy, I know it's a special day for you buddy. I dedicate this one to you. Cheers.
  3. At least one Flynn conversation, and apparently the big one, occurred when Flynn was in the Dominican Republic calling the ambassador. Leaking secrets is a felony, sometimes. But remember when many here dismissed the hacking of the DNC as secondary to the content? Be careful when you play with matches.
  4. Trump says Obama tapped his phones. He was specific.
  5. Strangely, I care what our commander in chief says.
  6. Klaro. Deep State is such a better screenplay than disgruntled employees and angry voters. People love stories more than facts. See Cochran, Johnny.
  7. My first post in his thread. Nice to know I'm always on your mind, even as you continue your incorrect summary of my position. Keep it up Skippy.
  8. No we won't. His budget isn't going to pass.
  9. RBs are fungible. Like Gillislie but can't overpay for RB position.
  10. NY Times says he offered a "more optimistic vision" and "softened his tone." Not sure what the others are saying. His amnesty stance (not in the speech) will be interesting to see play out.
  11. The only story I can find with any cred is that Fox seems to have been denied some Treasury access, and later they unearthed a couple nasty emails. Did Obama and his press secretaries exclude networks by name like the Don is doing? I'm genuinely asking. This seems like new territory.
  12. I never heard of two of those sisters and I refuse to google them.
  13. Maher is a tool in the same shed as Milo so I could care less if he agrees, disagrees, or what he might say. He's a Dick. And Silverman is a comic so who gives a crap what she says. You'd have a point to use them against me...if I ever quoted those 2 as a source for something I said. But since I didn't and since Maher is an ass, you look as dumb as usual.
  14. Ding ding ding. It matters but how about we spend energy on more worthwhile things. And I agree that Trump made it a rallying cry. It doesn't make it a worthwhile thing to spend so much energy on. This is ahead of the angry oil pipe Indians but below a lot of other things.
  15. Priorities. Illegal Immigration is down the list.
  16. HOFWatkins, it will be OK. Someone will pick him up. You'll be with Milo again soon.
  17. No. Keeping the economy strong. Free trade. No wars. Lower taxes while maintaining infrastructure. And 10 other things before a 25+ billion dollar boondoggle are no brainers ahead of border. Illegal immigrants are not what plagues the US.
  18. Looks like you need a lesson in the difference between weather and climate. Or anecdote and trend. Never denied immigration wasn't going swimmingly. It's the national debate in Sweden right now. But they will get through it. Sorry to interrupt operation immigration spazout. Please resume.
  19. He's done ok from his to do list and been crap from assembling a team and getting a coherent message out. It's probably not in his nature to improve this but I hope he lets some of the grown-ups manage the messaging more in the coming months. I also wish he'd focus more on GTD and stop getting so ruffled by his coverage. First few months are rough so I can't judge yet. I can't stand the person of Trump but it's too early to judge whether he can get crap done and that's what matters more.
  20. So I said it's a problem and the problem of the day for Sweden ...and you link to an article that talks about how it's a problem...to support your point? Well played sir well played. No wonder this Milo stuff has you in such a state. You need a guy like that to give you your thoughts. Since you were first into the fray to defend him, what are your thoughts on moving the pedo age limit? You with him?
  21. I'd accuse you of losing your ability to read just because your boy is taking it on the chin...but you already couldn't read. Keep trying skippy.
  22. McMaster seems like a good choice. Brilliant, well regarded. Hopefully he cruises through with no more issues. Need the position filled asap.
  23. You know Sweden has had the highest rape rate in Europe since before they took immigrants I'm sure. And as you also know, the reason for that is because they report as rape more acts than other countries. Of course you knew that.
  24. I'll take the genius insights of this board's word for the situation in Sweden instead of the actual Swedes. Yes Jim, it's just a problem. The current headline problem in sweden. They will figure it out. Just like we will weather Trump. Ok. Resume the immigration freakout. Glad you caught that I exaggerated. Bonus points for you today LA.
  25. No one said he was a pedophile so he's disingenuous to say that he hates pedos but it makes him sound oppressed. What he advocated for was movement of the line on pedophilia to something closer to 13, i.e., puberty. And whether he can backtrack on that or not, live by the sword die by the sword. If he wasn't such a pompous dick, people might give him a touch of leeway. But as you can see, guys like Ryan will defend him no matter what. Onward!
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