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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. If you criticize the conspiracists, you’re part of the conspiracy.
  2. True Romance is one of my all time favorite movies. He wrote it but Tony Scott directed it. ***very minor spoilers follow*** What Hollywood did with Manson was great. Kept me as a viewer really nervous through the movie about where that plot line was headed. The Bruce Lee scene was obviously just blowing up some statements for fun. Everyone take a deep breath. Lots of great cameos but I particularly enjoyed the short moment of Uma Thurman’s daughter Maya Hawke (for those not familiar with her work on Stranger Things, in this flick, she took off in the getaway car.)
  3. This is mostly a sci fi thread so I’ll drop this in. This is one of the best books in the genre and fairly recent too. Its ideas and quality caught me off guard. Children of Time It is about a human-terraformed planet where the terraforming didn’t go quite right. Earth evolution gone a little sideways. The sequel is just out and is also very good.
  4. All the time. Indian food, ordered out or homemade, is the best. I'm with you--I have read all of the health benefits and sure that's great, but I just eat it because it's delicious. I used to travel to India often and the smell was in every restaurant. Fantastic.
  5. Do you really need to review your defense of the Hyperspace Research Institute inventor whose home base was St Thomas? Come on Toddy: The only curve that was ahead of was the stupid curve. A plus plus for that though.
  6. The plethora of wrongly accused men living in this women's world makes me weep.
  7. Sorry to break back in as I was on vacation from PPP but if you want to do a prediction, do it fu#king right. My Christmas gift to Tom.
  8. This stuff I do with Deranged Rhino is just a little flip banter that doesn't bother either of us, I hope, and if I thought it did, I'd apologize to him immediately. Greg: I mean that sincerely and apologize if there's any overlap in your mind between the way I talk to you and this turd. This forum likes you Boyst and I'll leave you with them. Adieu until 2020 or beyond PPP! I know you missed me. It's been real.
  9. You should post a link to your 15 minutes of fame.
  10. Storytime, you just can't back it up. But that's fine. It's trivial compared to most of what you spew.
  11. Judges lean on parties ALL. THE. TIME. Of course they shouldn't. Of course they do.
  12. Proving you can't back up exactly what I keep saying. You said: "The spookiness I referenced in Q's post is not that Q Team predicted Flynn would be safe but that they told us the exact day, a year in advance, that he would be revealed to be safe. " All that underlining and bold is yours. And I await the Q post where he predicted "the exact day, a year in advance, that he would be revealed to be safe." How's the stupid taste these days?
  13. So where did Q predict to the day when Flynn would get a recommendation of no jail time? Duck Storytime...it’s an incoming dodgeball. You haven’t answered this one yet. But nor can you answer any time that you’re confronted by your own words. Nice job job staying away from “intellectually dishonest.” I broke you of that at least. Still need further operations though. You may get your wish. You’ve won over your story circle here and it’s half make believe, half circle jerk. With a guy who’s got a really dirty record in the room and who everyone likes to hang with.
  14. You should stay away from the story circle.
  15. You were sure confident in Hillary’s ascendency as a foregone manipulation by the Deep State. Hard to remember your own ***** isn’t it? And you say other people predicted things. When they didn’t. And you backfit facts to little crumbs. Storytime.
  16. How cute that one of the little boys in Greggy’s story circle showed up! Do you believe in his tooth fairy too and the blood rituals of the Illuminati in the Deep State?
  17. Judge threatened Flynn in order to ensure his full cooperation, and that of future witnesses. He was just flexing, as judges do. Flynn ain’t getting time and it’s doubtful the judge was going to sentence him to prison. But Flynn will wring a few more ounces out of his memory after today’s theater.
  18. Go find something in a Q forum and get back to us. Another prediction that you ardently defend and are proved laughably wrong about will keep me entertained. Your retweeted thoughts of others are a little too B-Man and 26 to enjoy.
  19. Q predicted something. Storytime and the Q crowd will make up some link to today.
  20. Not sure where it numbers but out of the top 100 seems low. Guys like B-Man cant think outside the memes. He probably spread the Russian memes himself! Traitor. Russian memes certainly didn’t swing the election. We never stopped having a Russia problem, Donald Trump’s knob-gobbling of Putin notwithstanding.
  21. This thread is no fun without @LaDexter
  22. How do you register in North Carolina, if you say, move there from Ohio? My give-a-sh*t-ometer reads zero.
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