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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Grew up Liberal. Went through an embarrassing Rush Limbaugh worship phase during Gulf 1. Shortly after, settled on Libertarian but not part of their embarrassing party (Johnson ugh) where pot discussion is a battle cry. Don't trust many republicans though I like the more practical breed like Ryan and Rubio. Dems I see as either untrustworthy (Hillary) or naive (Bernie). I abhor populism in any form--I see it as a playground for zealotry. So I vote based on practicality. Who can help the US the most? Have not voted for a winning pres ever and I usually vote for a major party candidate except like this year when both choices were repugnant.
  2. This wasn't a case of using the word !@#$ in the context of discussing the word. Ozy was a flat out unapologetic white supremacist. He was excited about white power. And he didn't get banned for that. Mocked yes. Banned no. I'm guessing that the mods, knowing his proclivities, saw his lynching photo combined with his glee around it, as crossing a line, which for here is saying something. [my use of n--- was auto cesored]
  3. Says dipshit's small intestine?
  4. Deregulation would be a great achievement but he needs a scalpel not a sledgehammer. We will see what reality brings. As I said, it's far too early. His biggest deregulations have been in environment. Of all the areas he could tackle, that's the one I'd hope he'd be more careful with. Coal ain't the future.
  5. Says Gatorman's feedbag.
  6. Making fun of OC who claims to have all the health care answers gets your panties in a bunch? You really are a sensitive flower. Take a look around buttercup: Finding a lot of people here who are praising something?* *excepting Trump Davidians And within the last few weeks I complimented Gorsuch and Tillerson. I'd love it if Trump gave me more to work with but that's about the extent of the upside so far. Too early to point out more.
  7. OC is a troll. Don't feed him.
  8. Yeah, what indeed? The Flynn choice is an unmitigated disaster at this point. The question is whether the dumpster will melt from the heat. Did Trump know about Turkey? And of course those pesky calls to Russia discussing sanctions. What did Trump know and when did he know it. The truth is coming to light. And it always does. As I said a few hundred years ago, three can keep a secret if two are dead. If Trump had knowledge about any of this, even HOFWatkins might turn on him!
  9. Second poster in this thread didn't sound liberal when he extended your video to muslims in general. Let's not be naive that overgeneralization and stereotyping is uniquely leftist. And no doubt that was your intent. The Milo-esque games are not hard to spot.
  10. All religions have nuts. Younger religions have more nuts. In 2000 years when Jesus is a more boring Thor story and Mohammed is a less interesting Hercules, the Grand Maverick of Scientology will be complaining about the wacky newcomer sect of the day.
  11. I like TT for the price. He's not a top QB but he's way better than any free agent out there. QB was not the problem in 2016. Defense was. Welcome back TT.
  12. You win that point. I am guilty of bashing retards sometimes too. Apologies. Carry on.
  13. Three links to random stories about psychology are evidence of a conspiracy to normalize pedophilia? You were the perfect OJ juror. Believe the narrative, not the truth. Find the real killer DR. He's out there. Sorry to disappoint Gary the Conquerer.
  14. I watch CNN if there is a true breaking news story (not the overused breaking news story but the real thing that happens about once ever 5-7 years). Who watches news for daily news? I haven't watched the news in decades.Has anyone under 50?
  15. Covering up pedophilia arrests? As part of a grand scheme to normalize pedophilia. You guys are awesome.
  16. It's part of a bigger conspiracy GG. Deep State is a rook in the grandest conspiracy of all time. There are layers of narrative to unravel here. The wackier ideas have beenposted here before but due to mockery, they've settled a bit. They still percolate just below the surface. The Illuminati are watching you. In fairness to DR, who tends to carry the flag for the PPP conspiracists here (of which there are a disproportionate number), Nanker may be even more into alternate realities. Boston Marathon bombing? 9-11? Building 7? Missile hit the Pentagon? OJ? Moon landing? Flat earth? (Thank you Kyrie Irving for making this one great again!) Any bites? Someone please tell us what happened, or how we've all been fed a narrative.
  17. I thank you for the hanging curve ball. You're still a lunatic.
  18. Assange is not in Moscow you conspiracist moran.
  19. Buffalo media knows readers love any Bills controversy. The Kardasians have nothing on Bills fans.
  20. The Pats are the NFL's older brother. They are trying to make winning the SB a competition but the rest of the teams keep losing. Soon they will play with 9 men.
  21. All Rochester people like girly wings. I remember when I first went to the legendary Country Sweet for the "best wings in Rochester." I ate one wing, took a dump in the wing basket, and walked to a nearby bar with something approximating a proper wing. Rochester folks cannot be trusted. You don't specialty cook a wing like it's a French restaurant. You open the bag and drop them in the 10 day old oil in the fryer. Man up Rochesterians.
  22. I am also willing to get paid to help Carpenter kick. He refused. What a dick.
  23. Sort of like when you have access to secret documents and sit atop the power structure but quote random news reports as sources, and don't listen to your own intel briefings. Last night in Sweden,
  24. Just this Carson story on TV. The whogivesashit channel spent 2 hours on it.
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