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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. We have quite a few Richio contenders these days. But the avatar of the squirrel with the giant nuts, that is what I remember most fondly.
  2. 2 obvious things from that teacher: 1- He limited his calorie intake 2- he largely ate the same foods Your body will always be efficient in weight loss under those conditions. Not exactly rocket science. Over a long term, you need more nutritional variation but for 6 months, you can do worse than this plan. If all you ate were 2000 calories per day of burgers and you were a fat !@#$, you'd lose weight. The Dubner/Freakonomics is clearly true. He looked only at the double cheeseburger. You get a lot of solid calories there for less than 2 bucks. It's the empty and sugar/carb calories of the soda and fries that crush you. If you have to go to McDs, always just get some burgers or grilled Chickent sand. Nothing else. Those will fill you up on decent food. Add the fries and coke/diet coke at your peril.
  3. I'm a huge fan of Rand. Wasn't poisoning any well but thanks for jumping into full jerkoff mode. I have no idea what you are or who you are. I don't really care. Just was noting you echoing her on this point.
  4. So meathead is just another fake persona? Replacing hogboy, crayonz? Funny for a little while anyways. Now it's just time wasting.
  5. He doesn't hate your ethnicity and as proof, he f$&@ed one of your people.
  6. Straight Ayn Randian logic and even word choice. Problem with objectivist rigidity is the lack of practicality (and that fun and love were not part of her world).
  7. Germany - India My point is there's no exact correlation between government intrusion and pollution. The only real correlation seems that places in governmental chaos (different from intrusiveness) will do whatever they want to the environment. See large portions of Africa and South America. Environmental rules are hard to enforce without a strong hand. It's one of those market imperfect moments from a practical solutions standpoint. Roads are similarly messy to conceive of in free market.
  8. Please. Don't. Feed. Tiberius. He eats brains.
  9. Direct from Ayn. Income tax is the most troubling tax. That which you create belongs to the state. I like a use tax. Always. You get to keep whatever you make. Consumption though...that'll cost ya.
  10. Not sure your point or that it's valid. India has the least effective government on the planet and they pollute like MFers. Most of Europe is clean because they have intrusive government. I'm a free market guy but it's hard to totally trust the market to adequately punish Exxon if it cuts corners. The EPA needs to be less intrusive agreed. But it also needs better ammo.
  11. Wow you're crazy. You're not interesting enough to be a troll so I guess you're just nuts. I'll keep in mind the idea that you get a "get out of racism" card based on who you screw.
  12. We agree more thuan you think: The Catholic Church's culture in covering up all the rapes of children is/was abhorrent. And Islam needs to prune its own tree. And Steve King is a douche. All these can coexist. Kumbaya
  13. You believe the fakenews fakescience of second hand smoke? The EPA needs both sharper and fewer teeth. Like all government agencies it will grow to leviathan left on its own. I have few issues with Trump's cuts. It's his stupid spending increases that irk me.
  14. I'm just glad to see our newest non-racist but anti-Semite, Meathead, uses capital letters on occasion. Can we shift him back to discussing Joe "Lieberjew?" That was a charming moment from our resident conscience on race. Trying to make myself care about Snoop's video. Trying so hard. Damn it. I can't do it. I'll stay at it.
  15. Mine was a light hearted jab. Agree 100% that Islam's biggest fault is its silent majority. They need to expose the bad elements to direct sunlight.
  16. Stonings. Honor killing. That's old school Christian. But looking the other way on buggery? That's Boston. Stephen King must be amused by the confusion.
  17. "Stylized?" Woman from rib. Moses dials up some death for Egyptian babies. Cities of people turned to salt? That's more than running a story through Strunk and White. Is that you Kellyanne?
  18. Atheists don't have leaders any more than registered Independents. It's not a movement. There are just some individual jagoffs who get attention. Christians have many leaders depending on the type of Christianity. Not everyone believes what the leaders say but it's a huge difference.
  19. No it's not. It's a lack of belief in something that's not there. Most atheists aren't active in their lack of belief. They just don't believe. The end. To LA's giant overgeneralization, atheists number in the hundreds of millions. Most just live their lives like anyone and don't really care that others believe and they don't. Some are jerkoffs who mock and make headlines in the same way Sharpton spoke for blacks and Coulter speaks for Republicans. I know lots of atheists. They don't spend any time talking about Christians. Many get Christmas trees and hide eggs, or light the Menora. Traditions in their cultures bleed into their lives despite their lack of belief.
  20. Trump is a POS. Way to debase the presidency you disgusting sh*t. Even the likes of the people who defended you in this thread can't do it. Total garbage.
  21. No. It's a lack of belief in something that is not there. I can't say it any more succinctly. Example. I don't believe in arachnid unicorns. I don't believe in something that doesn't exist. There are people who believe there is no god. That is a faith leap. That's different than what I'm defining as atheism. He just wanted to be an insulting douche. We all have those moments. I think he agrees with me but took the opportunity to break some china while bulling around the shop.
  22. Atheism is not a faith in a lack of something. It's a lack of faith in a lack of something. Said another way, Atheists would say they don't believe in what's not there. They would not say they believe nothing is there. It's an important distinction. God and arachnid unicorns and Thor and the tooth fairy are the same to an atheist.
  23. Agnosticism is saying "I don't know if there is a god." That's a cop out in most spiritual conversation. It's leaving the door open. Atheists for the most part say "I don't see any proof of god. Let's go grab a beer." Perhaps atheism is ill defined. Those who express belief in the non existense of god are a strange lot of faith believers. I see them as a vocal minority. Those who don't believe in a god for lack of evidence...that's in some way logical and how most atheists I know are: Good people who just don't spend a lot of time talking about god.
  24. No. Atheism is lack of belief due to lack of evidence. Same reason Rational people don't believe in the tooth fairy and Thor. (Although if I was going to choose a belief system, I could do worse than Norse.) There are Atheists who prostelitize. Those people fit your definition but they are minority. An annoying loud minority but minority. Most atheists sort of just ignore religious debate as waste of air except when forced to engage.
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