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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. I'm not sure if exposing your mental illness is the Lord's work but if that's how you feel, you're welcome.
  2. Your own words are good enough. Hyperspace Research Institute.
  3. "My interpretation of the patents" hahaha. You said those works of fiction were invented by a nobel laureate and that it proved the government had access to antigravitronic (!!!) technology. But when I pointed out that they were in fact invented (loosely using the word here) by wackadoo self-teleporter and alien Philadeain civilization discovering John St. Clair, you said " ". And you're still defending it. You're really this crazy!
  4. I feel more comfortable with my conclusions on your post than the guy you based it on. Your hero: John Quincy St. Clair is perhaps the 21st Century's most important inventor. Besides his Full Body Teleportation System, he has 15 other patent applications in the works, any one of which will revolutionize human society (well, maybe not his "Internet Cellular Phone Prepaid Service" or "Internet Accessible Mail Box System", but somebody had to invent those). The Patent Prospector has a write-up of his ground-breaking Walking Through Walls Training System which uses a "banner having a plurality of footprints spaced at regular intervals" to train a person in a style of walking that allows the person to "acquire sufficient hyperspace energy in order to pull the body out of dimension so that the person can walk through solid objects such as wooden doors." He also has numerous designs for spacecraft propulsion and power generator systems based on his studies of hyperspace physics and astral chakra energy. These include: Electric Dipole Moment Propulsion System Electric Dipole Spacecraft Cavitating Oil Hyperspace Energy Generator Hyperspace Energy Generator Hyperspace Torque Generator Rotor Inductance Propulsion System Rotating Electrostatic Propulsion System Bobbin Electromagnetic Field Propulsion Vehicle Electric Dipole Moment Propulsion System Magnetic Vortex Wormhole Generator His most recent invention is a Remote Viewing Amplifier, an open-frame box device which "enhances the ability of a person to perform remote viewing by connecting the human spiritual eye to the tetrahedral geometry of subspace". In the patent application, he describes remote viewing and his first experiences with it: Figures 1, 2, 3 Remote viewing is the projection of spiritual modules of the human energy field to distant locations in order to see, communicate and interact with other entities who live in subspace, space and hyperspace co-dimensions of the universe. One of my first remote viewings was made at night to a distance of 10,000 miles on the sunlit side of the earth. My spiritual eye and body projected together while my mental facilities remained in my physical body. I found myself looking down on a palm tree from a height of about one hundred feet. The palm tree had several coconuts in it as seen in FIG. 1. I then gave the command to lower myself to the ground. At that moment I went sailing down past the coconuts, barely missing the tree! Finding myself on a pathway through the tropical forest, I then came to an extremely long wooden bridge which crossed over a river gorge. On the other side of the bridge I could see three soldiers running toward me as shown in FIG. 2. The two soldiers in front were carrying rifles and wearing light blue berets. The man running behind them was wearing an officer's cap with a red band. My first reaction was that I was going to be shot. I edged over on the right side of the wooden railing. They ran right past without seeing me. I then asked to see the building that these soldiers were guarding. Everything went dark, and then I found my spiritual eye peeking out of the floor of a computer room as seen in FIG. 3. There was one man using a computer on the opposite side of the room near an open door. He got up from his chair and came over to sit in front of a second computer located a few feet from where I was located. From the glare of the computer monitor, I could clearly see his face. Everything went dark as my spiritual eye and body projected back to my physical body. He goes on to recount how he used remote viewing to learn about the Pleiadian Federation, a "group of over one hundred intelligent beings that were brought to the Pleiades from around the galaxy". On the Federation council are the Intelligent Insect Beings, who fly the black triangles over France and Belgium (as we know, Belgium is actually under France) for the evacuation of humans to Earth II, where they will be protected from the coming battle of Revelations. Also on the council are the Blond Aliens (not their real name) who fly Beamship spacecraft. St. Clair was able to use his remote viewing device to assist them when one of their Beamships caught fire. He also impressed the Admiral Third Class of the Pleiadian Defense Department with the tactical benefits of his ability to communicate instantly from 90,000 light years away. He argues that the development of remote viewing devices is important because "one day it will mean that we can become a vital part of the Pleiadian Federation." Keep on inventing, John; you may be humanity's only hope.
  5. So now you changedd "every single 16 year old in America today has never lived a single day without their country being in multiple wars" to posting about the people dying in other countries. Convenient change now that you're wrong again. The world as a whole is STILL in a better place for peace and health.
  6. I hit all the points. Your crack research team on the patent applications as evidence, your defense that one of the inventors was a nobel prize winner, the government having access to anti-gravity technology. Pretty much left that grand post in a pile of dust. I just like to sum it up with Hyperspace Research Institute. That captures your conspiracies nicely laddy.
  7. "Multiple wars." I'm sure most Americans would trade the death toll and security now for almost any time in our history. And that's just our country. But don't let that "multiple wars" soundbyte go: Stick with it.
  8. Sophie's choice. At least Trump makes me laugh. Obama was unlistenable--I just wanted to punch him every time he talked. Both would be horrible to be with at dinner. Presidents I'd want to hang with at dinner (last few): Dubya . . . Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . Trump (Malania counts for something here) . . Obama
  9. Media is excited over the fact that Obamacare sucks, and double jizzing because the Republicans can't fix it. Headline mongering sutpidity dominating. What I see is a Republican party with a huge opportunity but can't build a better alternative. Health care is a hard problem. Be nice if the parties would work together to try to solve it.
  10. I said peace and health. Violence, fighting, and conflict has been a common state of man throughout our history. Right now is a good time. And when you add the health ingredient, it's the best era ever. You countered that with one nation's era of relative peace. A weak counter for most, but for a Trump voter like you, it was OK.
  11. And it is. Low rate of conflict. Vast diseases largely eradicated. Starvation in epic decline. Infant mortality incredibly low. None of this says we can't do better. But it's a long ways from the end of times narrative that gets headlines. I lean into reality. You lean into narrative.
  12. I've asked him to share his 9-11 theories. He dodges. He shut up quick about his recent UFO post after I pointed out the credibility chasms...not that he could admit how wrong he was given how embroiled he is in the conspiracy echo chamber.
  13. Dotcom (Jesus, really?) has a dubious history. Assange is a chaos agent. The ties to Rich are the stuff of smoke, mirror, and the desire for narrative. I have nothing against the truth, and am happy when it comes out. But am happier to believe in the simpler explanations than the world-scale conspiracies. Franklin's quote "Three can keep a secret if two are dead" rings as true today as ever, especially in the age of the Internets. Podesta, Wasserman Schulz, etc....there are always bad and mistaken actors. Part of a wide-ranging conspiracy? No.
  14. Playing in the stupid sandbox, so there are never robberies where the robber runs away? And wouldn't a master conspiracist assassin want to make it look like a robbery, to throw off the other superpowers in the giant dark war that no one leaks about.
  15. I said peace and health. You get half credit.
  16. Wait what? I watched the video of the dirtbag Assange. Setting aside his serious credibility issues, you put your faith in that movement of his head? Good "proof" little buddy! Now I'm on board with the Seth Rich conspiracy.
  17. Infant mortality in the 1800s was over 40%. But let's keep pretending things are urgently worse now. It feeds the chicken littles on the right. Of Course Not But let's also not throw the baby out with the bath water on morality and freedom.
  18. And the mortality and health of the rest of the world during Pax Victoria? Not many people would trade now for then, except the most sense of people here, who laud the last 20 years as an end of days of sorts.
  19. Except for the attackers who are domestic. Who are many. We live in the greatest and prolonged peace and health ever. But we (especially in the US) rush to drama and overlook this fact in our overreaction. Calls for parking lots, attacks on civilian targets, restraint on civil liberties, etc define who you are as a country. Peace, prosperity, and freedom aren't free. But they are worth it.
  20. His top source John St Clair has a bombshell to be released on Tuesday. You are believing THEIR narrative.
  21. You realize Trump himself agrees that Russia tried to interfere in our election? As do people who have access to more intel than anyone on this board. The vigor with which so many are eager to think there is a vast right and left conspiracy, replete with assassinations and gigantic cover ups of more-than epic proportions, all in order to ... what... fuel the military industrial complex or whatever you all think. It's stunning. With no leaks. And your sources are conjecture plus attention whores like Assange and the guy who popped up yesterday, a thoroughly discredited well known thief. The desire for a good narrative outweighs the simple explanations. You are using Occam's cinder block to slice bread.
  22. Not on this planet. Just watched about an hour of AC coverage of the bombing. At first they probably had no info or on scene coverage. Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though.
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