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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Oldie but a goodie, and website crossing of the streams too. That sabrespace crowd defends Dwight as "their personal lunatic." If you go after him as nuts, people won't defend the accusation but they will attack you as going after one of their own. I respect that.
  2. What parts of global warming don't you believe in? It's irrefutable that we are in a warming trend.
  3. This board has become a haven for conspiracists in the last few months. Greg coming out of the closet made the rest follow. I preferred don't ask don't tell.
  4. Yeah that's relatable. Dexter does it again.
  5. I'm not sure if you think I disagree. I don't.
  6. Your 100 may be low, but even if it is, it sure sounds transitional to me. Nuclear will get pushed if renewables don't take hold (or something as yet unknown knocks them both out). The demand isn't declining.
  7. It's almost like companies taking risks at the cutting edge of industry sometimes fail. Who knew? Do you think renewable energy usage is up or down over the last ten years? Do you think the technology for reliability and generation is better or worse? Rhetorical.
  8. Plenty, even if doubling was really a possibility. Gas isn't the future. It's transitional. Trump betting anything on coal is absurd. Nuclear would be fantastic but we seem to be too scared of it here. Renewables are starting to get real. To give equal opportunity to reactionary morons everywhere, Trump thinks there are jobs to be had in coal.
  9. Being SecState during the Cold War was so much easier.
  10. Do you think the Trump admin is going to start a climate/clean air/energy discussion? He thinks coal is set for a comeback that will create jobs. Derp.
  11. You think he can beat Taft? He'd have to go into eating overdrive to take the top spot. I'd like to see it.
  12. He's second fattest.
  13. That looked like an SNL skit. Agree with you there. See. It can happen.
  14. As I said back channels are critical to -a sitting government!- But there was a sitting government, a state department, an intel community (Deep State!)...and Kushner bypassed all of them and picked up his phone. That's troubling. Why Russia, given the Russia heat? Who knows. I truly don't think Trump, for all his foibles, is in cahoots with the Russkies. The Russkies may want to be in cahoots with him but it seems like a lopsided love affair. Trump will run off with the Mexican guy if he just shows a little leg. Putin meanwhile loves Don.
  15. Back channels are of course normal and critical. But not for every incoming admin since Kennedy as you stated. Questioning the motivation of a possible Russian source doesn't change Kushner's actions, which display an amateur's understanding of government transfer of power and international diplomacy, at best.
  16. Incoming administrations always set up secret back channels to hostile governments outside the current admin, state department, and intel community? The only thing I've heard that is remotely similar was the Russians contacting RFK. Also not good.
  17. The Kushner thread derailed into other topics. We still have an administration in waiting trying to operate with a foreign, largely adversarial, country outside the bounds of existing diplomacy and intel. Pretty concerning. Not because it feeds the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense but because it undermines the authority of the government it is about to become.
  18. Yes Donald, nuclear and militarized Japan and Germany, not getting along with the US, sound like great ideas. What could go wrong?
  19. Says the guy who asserts that the US government has antigravitic tech based on a work of fiction masquerading as a patent application authored by a guy who believes he self teleported and has been in contact with aliens. Right o.
  20. DR does not believe Russia did this. Treatise forthcoming.
  21. A Paleo Crossfitter. I love that people beat me to it. Well done board.
  22. Wow. This thread is a bug-zapper for religious prejudice. Too bad the zapping part isn't working.
  23. Absurd. I work with a bunch of Muslims in India and Jordan, and they live pretty mundane lives with no use for any extremist nonsense, and find it off naive when people like you try to paint them as part of that movement.
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