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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. A snap election is not exactly earth shattering.
  2. So you think Bill asked Lynch to not investigate Hillary (zero evidence) but Trump didn't pressure Comey to not investigate Flynn (evidence)? Come on. I'm not saying you have to like Hillary, but there's no way you can give Trump a free pass here. He clearly pressured Comey to drop the investigation, and that crosses the line of an independent FBI. Not maybe a legal line as I said, but Trump is a hazardous president. The left will make more of this than exists, have no fear, but this is still bad by any measure.
  3. It's funny how Bill talking to Lynch about ? was a major issue but Trump asking the FBI director to back off investigating him and then firing him when he didn't back off is not. Eh Doc?
  4. Hammers, machetes, and knives. The terroists in England and France sound like they are out of Gangs of New York.
  5. If we could just get others to stop responding to them!
  6. Says Gator's second biggest fan. Some of us want more from the board. They don't hurt my feelings. Ignore just makes the board better.
  7. Trump says Russia hacked. Putin says Russia but not the government hacked.
  8. That's usually a Gator vs Bman chain.
  9. I remember way back when the U.K. terrorists were Catholic. You can object to that and still need meds for your paranoia.
  10. "You're blind" says the guy who can't see past his personal forest of bogeymen. Please find your meds. Your mom is worried about you.
  11. Yeah, but Seth Rich, and stuff.
  12. Gator pulling his PPP puppets' strings.
  13. Fencepost: We can't control many of the other ways the planet changes.
  14. Now there's a guy. LBJ was doing crooked politics before Hillary was born.
  15. I picked the dodo for comedic effect you Pyrenean Ibex. The number of ways we changed the planet is legion and boring to list. To doubt it is to show off a wanton ignorance.
  16. Bad people are using Islam as a tool to get and hold power. The Quran is there hot tool today. Yesterday it was the Bible. Tomorrow it will be Dianetics. Bad people can always find a way to manipulate the weak minded.
  17. You're old so you have seen the positive differences regulations have made to pollution, clean air, and water. Even my staunchest Linertarian leanings don't think we'd be in as good of shape now with respect to those without legislation dragging us along. Listing the ways humans have changed the planet would be too numerous. Read up on plant and animal species we killed off. Unless you think the dodo is still out there.
  18. First it's foolish to believe that we can't change the planet just because it's been here so long. We already have changed the planet in countless ways. Second, anti-pollution laws have forced some cleaning of the planet so laws do have a positive effect when people can't see past their individual convenience or small mindedness. It's a tough call enacting legislation on this topic though, be it clean air or gas emission. The hysterics of both sides rise to fever pitch. Third, I never advocated for nor defended the Paris Accords. That deal was stupid and another example Of executive overreach.
  19. Let me know "when healthy" happens. I'm not upset at him for being hurt--it sucks--but if the guy can't handle the pro life, he won't get top dollar. Fred Taylor was 8 hamstring pulls away from being Barry Sanders.
  20. Nikki Haley is probably short-lived. Says Trump believes in climate change. Chain jerk coming in 3, 2...
  21. And Leon is getting laaaaarger.
  22. This is the wait and see year for Watkins.
  23. If she wasn't an occasional unfunny person on Stern, I still wouldn't know who this was. As it is, I barely know. Go away.
  24. You answered a different question. The warming trend is observable. I like that DT exited the accords from the perspective of overexpansion of presidential authority. Now if only he had relied on that reasoning and not some of the other gobbledygook logic he talked about on Wednesday...
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