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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. You tell me. He's the idiot tweeting about how his visit to Saudi Arabia affected its recent stance on Qatar.
  2. He had some commie pinko leanings. Started the public library and fire companies. But he believed in earning the fruits of labor too.
  3. I don't applaud your vote. But I do applaud your analogy. Bravo.
  4. I didn't lose to him. But Hillary did because she was an arrogant horrible candidate. I doubt many people here voted for her besides Tiberius.
  5. You don't have to. Trump said he fired Comey with Russia on his mind.
  6. My nomination for the worst moment in Trump's campaign was when he attacked the Khans. Can't believe the right still pulled the lever for him after he, to quote crayonz, spit on the graves of a hero. Grab em by the P was just comic relief by the time it happened.
  7. Exactly. The left is making themselves look stupid by hoping they find a photo of Trump gobbling Putin's knob. What we know is plenty bad without wishing for rainbow farting unicorns.
  8. It wasn't an investigation of himself, though that would have been worse. It was an investigation of Flynn's ties to Russia, a country that Trump believes hacked into the election that got him elected president. And Trump asked Comey to stop the investigation. Then fired him when he didn't. But no, why would that concern you? You want even more executive overreach than even Obama undertook. Let's keep the presidential overreach circle jerk going. I don't think presidents asking FBI directors to stop ongoing investigations is a good thing. But that's me. You don't like an independent FBI. That's just like, your opinion, man.
  9. And back here in the real world, capitalism works pretty well to organize the masses. Socialism, erm, not so much.
  10. If you posted more, I'd have you on ignore like Gator. Thanks for not posting a lot. And thanks for this gem.
  11. You're a commie disaster. Maybe McCarthyism didn't go far enough. Please move to Russia and enjoy yourself.
  12. Your glasses are orange colored. Of course the investigation into Flynn touched on Trump and his election. Don't be more of a nitwit than you are. And zero is not the right answer.
  13. Jesus. Guess Trump needs to rethink his visit's effectiveness.
  14. Yup. And you don't want an independent FBI. Got it.
  15. Please list the number of presidents who personally intervened (and fired investigators) to shut down investigations that touched on themselves? I can think of one and I don't think he'd help your case. But please, list out all the others. It's really not a good idea to ask the FBI director to stop investigating, and then fire the head of the FBI for investigating, something you're involved in. This is a bad thing our president did. We should want an independent FBI, and head of the FBI. Comey is no gem, but he's in the right to have assumed Trump would lie and was acting wildly inappropriately and somewhat frighteningly.
  16. Of Bernie, Trump, and Clinton, Bernie was the most honest (like Foreman vs Steve and Sandra Erkel). And he'd have been so ineffective at governing that I suspect he would have made the best president for the country. Of the three. That's my full endorsement of Bernie. Bernie: Better than Erkel.
  17. Was a brain fart. Happens. Hard to remember that all this hoopla is about Mike Flynn. He's barely mentioned in the stories, which is amusing.
  18. He and Brian Bosworth are golf buddies.
  19. The president pressured the head of the FBI to shut down investigations into his administration. When the head didn't listen, the president fired him. On what planet is that good? It's reactions like yours that make executive overreach possible and inevitable.
  20. ? Are you objecting to the word "pressure?" How else would you read the president calling 1v1 meetings, asking him to shut down the investigations, clearing the room to make such requests, etc. You think Trump wasn't applying pressure? Trump said he fired Comey in part for the investigation. Come on. You can only be so partisan not to see the president acted very badly here.
  21. The former director of the FBI is testifying that the president pressured him to shut down an investigation related to a former cabinet member. It's newsworthy, even if you don't like it.
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