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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Young people are all commies. They grow up cared for. Once they age, they tend to grow out of it. But it is a system that can be effective in smaller countries with less diversity. Socialism doesn't work in a more diverse country with disparate points of view.
  2. No one does the overblown headline better than the weather stations. They are fast and furious to Fox/CNN's Cars.
  3. It works ok in some countries. But the US is different. One size doesn't fit all.
  4. Donations are conflicts? Thanks for Rush's talking points today. Mueller has been lauded by both sides. He's fine and he will find that Trump acted inappropriately. As he did. Trump tried to shut down an ongoing investigation. That hurts and Ryan's "he's just a newbie" excuse doesn't save the bacon. Trump is getting off with the Hillary wrist slap. It's how the process will play out. Don't you see that?
  5. Sanders cares. But deeper commitment to socialism isn't a solution for the US.
  6. He's the greatest. Just ask him, or watch him force his cabinet to tell him so. http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/12/politics/donald-trump-cabinet-meeting/index.html Bias alert at source to horrible opinion piece. But it doesn't matter if you just follow the quotes. "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have." Then asks specific cabinet members for their public praise. Tom and Jim elected OC for president.
  7. Not a great match but the US has to always feel good taking any points out of the Azteca.
  8. Trump testifying before Congress is not likely what the White House counsel recommends. Of course he's, thankfully, full of sh@t about testifying.
  9. Trump will sue Comey over release of memos...or threaten to do so like he usually does. What's the legal claim?
  10. It's been over 24 hours since he Tweeted. I picture him in the Silence of the Lambs pit while Tillerson and Pence lower his phone down in a basket.
  11. Relax Ahab: You're making a diamond in your ass. Enjoy a lighter topic. I'm in awe that attractive looking people do this in Europe. You can actually get laid playing D&D there. Who knew?
  12. It's safe to say the rest of the world finds the electoral college more bizarre than the parliamentary system.
  13. Just read that Trump has now broken his own record for longest streak without a tweet. USA USA.
  14. In the ones the Swedes were describing, there is no winner or loser. You get your storyline and go live it a weekend a year. Their primary one has been going on for 15 years. I don't totally follow how it all works but there is a Seer (who writes the script) who helps keep the plot moving to its conclusion. They look down on American LARPing with its winning and losing, swordplay and spells. For them it's more fun to be in acting mode. Was a stunning conversation to hear these professionals and attractive people going on about this.
  15. Yeah that's me, you blind Trumpette. I wish I had a job as a pollster in the U.K. You just say anything.
  16. Lynch says call it a "matter." Republicans: Let's launch a new independent investigation. Trump pressures FBI head to drop an investigation then fires him when he doesn't. Republicans: What's the big deal? Democrats: impeachment, Russia, Ivankas coat Maybe I will start looking for UFOs with Greg.
  17. Catching up on testimony highlights. Can't believe Comey called Trump a liar. He is, but still a rotten moment for America. Comey won't be remembered well for that, even though he spoke the truth.
  18. Ryan: "He's new to this." Trump: "Thanks For the reach around Paul."
  19. Flynn will stick up for DT but he is the vehicle for the witch hunt mobile, not its destination any more than America cared about Bill getting a BJ from an intern.
  20. Ya know, I was in Sweden recently at a friend's home for dinner. Their family is way into LARP. The funny thing is the oldest daughter who is 20 was showing pictures of LARP events and I was stunned. In the US, the LARP community is unattractive. In Europe, not so much and in fact highly not so much. The lesson is: If you like the idea of LARPimg but not the stigma here, go to Europe.
  21. I'm going to believe someone hacked your account today. Stop making sense.
  22. Yes. I do not believe Trump's visit is connected to the Saudi soccer team's horrific behavior.
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