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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. You made it about race, like the subhuman you are.
  2. Way to double down on her being a ****ty person with your own shittiness.
  3. Politicians have been kissing babies and condemning heinous acts for a long time.
  4. Agreed on reporting. Trump's commitment...is an ever-shifting wind. I put no stock in that.
  5. The cocknockers at abc where I read the story, which was still open on my screen, changed it from 100-0 to the proper 98-2. What the $&@@? Same sentiment applies.
  6. Senate bill to sanction Russia, can't be modified by Trump without consulting Senate, passed 100-0. Tillerson supported the rationale (punishing Russia for election meddling) but Trump has been tepid to cold in his comments on it. Interesting political moment for Trump.
  7. Tip and Reagan used to regularly drink and dine together, and we were better for being Americans, together.
  8. Every candidate always falls short. They are human. You pick the one you most believe in.
  9. Republicans invented the modern Special Prosecutor leviathon witch hunt (Whitewater leads to Lewinsky) like Dems created the cloture workaround. Bad acts have a way of coming around. A pox on both houses. It isn't a conflict of interest to have a work colleague in the midst of an investigation. Obstruction was always going to be on the table once he reached out to close the investigation and fired Comey over Russia.
  10. Yeah. I voted Johnson and he couldn't spell cat if you spotted him C A. Frustrating that the Libertarians couldn't field a more sober candidate last year.
  11. Gator's link was about a new sanctions bill that Trump has said nothing about vetoing.
  12. I'll sidestep your post Jim and note that the ice that screwed up the mission was the result of melting that forced ice to flow to warmer waters, not freezing. Just found Gary's lack of comprehension amusing.
  13. I bet you think this link supports an argument that climate change isn't occurring.
  14. Of course. But addressing the problem that's been around since the dawn of man won't be easy. Nor would taking guns off the street solve the problem. Or stiffer penalties. It's not an easy problem with an easy solution. But most people suit up in their usual uniforms and come to argue one side without listening to reasonable points of the other. I'm out of this thread. Don't really want to muck up a single incident with gun/2nd amendment talk.
  15. I don't want to politicize one crazy guy so his reasoning for shooting is irrelevant. He was nuts. But it struck me in the last London attack how few people died because the attackers had knives and not guns. Very different outcomes. I'm not a gun regulation advocate and it's not an issue that I really care much about but on an incident level, if I'd rather have a guy with a knife terrorizing me than a guy with a firearm.
  16. Everyone likes bacon.
  17. How did Sessions not request a briefing on Russian hacking? I assume he's heard about the issue. "He cant collude with his own government. Why do you think he is colluding with the Russians?" -Sen. Lindsey Graham
  18. Not everyone you disagree with is an evil villain. Your attitude is the same stupidity you complain about on the left. BTW shocking how little the Sanders household makes. 200K? Yikes.
  19. They all want the power but Sanders is also an idealist. I give him a lot higher marks for sincerity than Trump who is in it for Trump and Clinton who sells herself out. Sanders is a train wreck of socialist impractical promises. Some other far lefty will carry his bacon in 2020.
  20. Firing the head of the FBI because you don't like his investigation into your inner circle is not a rose garden.
  21. What do you think the furor is if not lighting a bonfire? The agenda is not all about losing though that makes for bitter soundbytes. It's about winning in 2018 and 2020. For me, it's about getting a president who isn't a tots embarrassment and fixing a two party system that refuses to work together. Hell, the Rs can't even work together let alone the Rs and Ds. Still we elect incumbants every year.
  22. Socialism sucks. But it's what every current democracy is in some form. My Uber driver yesterday was a laid off sales guy who said all his previous bosses were total idiots. He was a baby boomer. Who plans to retire to Southeast Asia (where he has never been) with his 500K in savings and live like a king. Just a curious anecdote.
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