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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. And it still matters that Russia tried to manipulate our election. It matters. A. Lot. !@#$ them.
  2. Was in Buffalo this past weekend for a wedding. All of the out of towners like me were incredulous at the lack of Uber. So still not in Buffalo yet. Absurd.
  3. You make a fair point GG. Mine was that he's laying the groundwork for a run at the top. He's got a special Investigator, a dysfunctional relationship with, well, everyone who might work to help him, isn't too bright, and has the majority of the country that doesn't like him. Fundamentals baby. He's a four tool politician.
  4. It's easy but he's making a run for worst president ever. It will be interesting to see where he is after 2 years. Seems hard to believe he can keep up this pace.
  5. Special prosecutors can go in many directions, as we all know too well.
  6. Don't know much about it. Maybe he's a bad guy. And guess what: If he did this, he's still as pure as the wind driven snow compared to Hillary! And I think he's dangerous as !@#$.
  7. Both. Obama had a soft undefined relationship with Russia. And when he found out about the Russian attempts, he didn't tell the American people. But let's acknowledge what happened here and call Russia out so we can quash the retard rodeo of Russian election interference deniers (yesterday's birthers).
  8. I don't care who Putin backed. I do care that he tried to interfere.
  9. Really? I don't have a sub and it comes up. Strange. "Early last August, an envelope with extraordinary handling restrictions arrived at the White House. Sent by courier from the CIA, it carried eyes only instructions that its contents be shown to just four people: President Barack Obama and three senior aides. "Inside was an intelligence bombshell, a report drawn from sourcing deep inside the Russian government that detailed Russian President Vladi­mir Putins direct involvement in a cyber campaign to disrupt and discredit the U.S. presidential race. But it went further. The intelligence captured Putins specific instructions on the operations audacious objectives defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump. At that point, the outlines of the Russian assault on the U.S. election were increasingly apparent. Hackers with ties to Russian intelligence services had been rummaging through Democratic Party computer networks, as well as some Republican systems, for more than a year. In July, the FBI had opened an investigation of contacts between Russian officials and Trump associates. And on July 22, nearly 20,000 emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee were dumped online by WikiLeaks. But at the highest levels of government, among those responsible for managing the crisis, the first moment of true foreboding about Russias intentions arrived with that CIA intelligence. The material was so sensitive that CIA Director John Brennan kept it out of the Presidents Daily Brief, concerned that even that restricted reports distribution was too broad. The CIA package came with instructions that it be returned immediately after it was read. To guard against leaks, subsequent meetings in the Situation Room followed the same... Very long article.
  10. Long version of the story below. https://apple.news/AslQYBXy0SKehyTa5jJrr6Q The story supports why Trump believes Russia was trying to manipulate the election and the Senate voted 98-2 last week to sanction it. Note that the admin reviewed the story and only asked for some of the details to be removed for security reasons and did not push back on it. People with access to this top intel, and the drip drip of stories like this, tell the story that the Russian govt tried to manipulate our election. (What the USIC stated all those months ago, but minus the details DR believes he's entitled to.) The concern here is not collusion. There's very little evidence of that. The concern remains Russia trying to manipulate a US election.
  11. Do you believe there is a shifting demographic to increased numbers of traditionally liberal pols? The Reps hope on shifting demo is with Latinos but most Rs aren't seeing that. You won't win a lot of electoral college votes while losing the popular. This country is moving towards a Bernie style populist and that's very very bad news. The R party over D tears is immature and misses the reality of what's coming.
  12. The strict thing is the illusion of the GOP but there is no financial discipline on their side of the aisle. Just spend and spend economics like the Dems. You're kidding yourself if you don't see the shifting demo. It's real and it's happening. My concern is that the free stuff Ds and the free stuff Rs could unite behind a truly dreadful future party and well and good eff the economy.
  13. Don't misinterpret me. They are in histrionics. I'm observing the long term trend. The Rs are winning elections but the Ds are multiplying. And that's not good news.
  14. The Dems are not likely to panic. Long term, their base is growing.
  15. Rather's uptick in popularity is truly an embarrassment.
  16. This thread is a bug zapper for guys who live in their mom's basements.
  17. Change science funding sure that's ok too. But if we were to prioritize large scale projects like restoring ecosystems or finding/ using alternate fuels, the science funding for climate change study may be trivial. And that's all I was getting at. There's a massive spend that comes with eco-engineering.
  18. And there aren't many hardcore "earth can't change" on its own folk. Most climate scientists freely acknowledge cycles of warming and theorize that humans can contribute to it. We certainly affect, mold, and form the earth in many ways. To think otherwise is gross naïveté. The debate should be about whether it's worth it to take action on the change we reap. Same debate that frames the GWOT: What freedoms are worth giving up and what price makes sense in reaction to the danger ISIS and others pose?
  19. To be clear, calling her dumb isn't racist. Joe saw a black woman saying something "dumb" and then stated that her admission to Harvard was the result of affirmative action and quotas.
  20. He judged her as getting into Harvard because she's black.
  21. MSNBC hires cuckoo liberals like her. They look to hire unhinged people. Joe took a shot at her intelligence because she's black. He's sticking to it. According to him, she got into Harvard because of affirmative action and quotas. But he's not a racist. Just ask him.
  22. You saw a black person who went to Harvard and called "affirmative action." I called you on your bull ****.
  23. At least you wear your racism with pride and don't deny it. I'll give you that.
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