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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Show me what result comes from raising the salary. Teaching isn't that hard. Dedication. Presentation. Creativity. Empathy. Those bits can't be taught and paid for without offering a fortune and have more to do with success teaching 6th grade than a 4.0 from an Ivy.
  2. It's not as simple as either one of the premises, yours or his, of course. Teacher salary will attract better teachers...somewhat. But can better teachers get a class of North Philly kids admitted to Princeton? The salaries at many private schools are not a lot more than private counterparts and even worse in suburbs of big cities, but the students perform better. Wealthier students will perform better depends on family, safety, nutrition, and a gajillion other reasons. So the social engineering isn't as easy as pay teachers more and get better student results. Better pay only helps so much.
  3. It's also consistent with the time it takes to develop sources and get verification on stories. When the pee video gets released, I'll be on your side. The ugly part of this is Baby Trump not disclosing this a long time ago. That's more than incompetence. It's not collusion with Ruskies but it is covering up stuff. Makes you wonder how much more is under wraps.
  4. Looks like the current draft is dead. Let's hope the parties work together on a fix.
  5. As an adjective, rank is is a good choice.
  6. You're joking right? He took a meeting that promised damaging info on a rival campaign. Nothing came of it. BIg whup. The only traction anyone might get is if he willingly hid the meeting when asked about it by authorities and even then this is not Much of a story.
  7. You're blind to the fact that the economics of the US is socialist. The debate over health care is a prime example. It's currently focused on just how a new socialistic system will work. Listen to Rand Paul if you want the lesson I'm teaching. He understands. But keep saying the left is losing. It probably makes you feel good.
  8. The left has already won on economics. Amusing that the right thinks otherwise. Party names mean little.
  9. "Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.." 13 hours of criticism later... "The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't"
  10. And yet that's a hard photo not to enjoy.
  11. Old board throwback reference. A 1-2 grammar punch. Joe: I don't recall. ICE didn't play in our cesspool much. Could have been Rich in Ohio or one of our other semi literates through the years. Obama lost the golfer in chief mantle early to Trump.
  12. It's beyond idiotic that we don't have this. For the people who say it's too hard, enact this now and enforce it in 4 years...with the sign up available at every polling place. If you haven't gotten the memo in the media and after 4 elections, too bad. And sure, license can be the backup document. Seriously.
  13. You discount how strong of a politician he was too. He beat Clinton before Benghazi--That's no mean feat and it wasn't just black people who elected him. He connected with people in a way I've not seen in a while. He was a gifted politician. To write off his success as due to his blackness is naive at best and with racist undertones at worst. A white Obama is not just another guy: He's Bill Clinton-eque.
  14. His statement wasn't made in a void. And white guys had a nice long run of winning because they weren't minority women in the US. It's not why they won perhaps but it's why they didn't lose. So to look at Obama and say he won because he's black eviscerates how good of a politician he was in the name of race. Most do. But we're drawn to watch the car crash and for whole mistake it for the state of the world. Things have rarely been better for us as a people but you'd think the sky was falling. Reps and Dems running around like it's the end of times.
  15. Some Americans have higher aspirations for their country than you.
  16. If people were reacting to a comment by the vacationer in chief or Queen Bitterness, you would have a point. But this is "I know you are but what am I" arguing.
  17. Obama Obama Obama Hillary Hillary Hillary You guys are obsessed with the unemployed.
  18. Prioritizing enjoyment of reality TV over love of country. You're a modern patriot.
  19. No. He's his own beast. As were Clinton and Obama. All different. I never thought of Hillary as thin skinned. A liar. Sells herself to the highest bidder. Morally questionable. But not thin skinned. Obama was thin skinned for sure. But he respected the dignity of the presidency (so much that he extended his authority way beyond his Arricle II mandate!). Trump is a thin skinned 5 year old.
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