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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Schumer and Pelosi aren't good leaders. Not for America anyways. A few from from both parties need to go rogue on their party and take their health care case directly to America. It won't be a perfect bill but that's compromise. The Dems got a lot wrong in the ACA but having it fail, whatever awful thing that means, is not a responsible option.
  2. Good leaders find a way. There are Rs and Ds who will talk to one another. Start at the middle and ignore the extreme jerkoffs.
  3. We have to fix the broken pieces of healthcare painful negotiated step by step. It won't be easy or fun. But let it fail is not governance. It's fiddling while Rome burns.
  4. Failure of legislation that governs the single largest portion of our economy is the "best possible plan?" That's not a plan.
  5. That's infringement. The acceptable noninfringing replacement is Your a moran. Moran.
  6. I like the WSJ and BBC. Both have leanings but strive for objective reporting. I read the Economist (not always all of it--dense). I also read the crappier papers. The NYT and others occasionally have a stunning bit of investigative journalism that's hard to deny.
  7. Russia is not particularly our ally across a broad spectrum of issues, except perhaps the GWOT, which is an annoyance more than a #1 priority. Russia scrutiny is all over the place at home. Now here you are, POTUS, and you're in a room full of the biggest and most important other leaders of the world. And you go hang out with Putin for an hour? It's not a secret meeting, clearly. But there's not giving a f$%& and there's also just level 10 idiot, The Trump apologists who say they don't like Trump will say he's the best for trolling the media, but when do you get sick of trolling and look for any leadership for our country?
  8. Leader of the free world on health care: "We will let it fail." With leadership skills like that, I'm looking forward to the debt ceiling discussions in a month.
  9. He is one fat bastard. Second fattest ever. And proud of it.
  10. Ah the old kick the can down the road plan. Works for the debt, why not health care? Politically shrewd but as to the GOP's efficacy, totally embarrassing. And given how bad The ACA is, it's even more embarrassing for the US. Single payer over-under: 10 years.
  11. The US is starting to recognize the opium crisis. It makes the crack years look like a picnic.
  12. How long should the patent monopoly last, do you think? They deserve something for all the R&D. And people love to talk about the patent games to extend the patent term, but that's simply not possible. The term of a patent is 20 years. (Pharma terms may get extended some due to FDA approval process but that's a very specific issue.)
  13. One of health care's biggest problems in cost is the care spent at the end of life. If people were more accepting of death, their lives would have more quality and we'd spend a whole lot less on health care.
  14. Obama is down there with tricky Dick and dubya. It's early but Trump wants a shot at the title.
  15. She and Trump both crap on our service men and their families. But one of them is walking the trails in Chappaqua.
  16. He's a robot. Just of the Republican ilk. I bet his post count rivals Gator and Tom.
  17. It's almost like Teump himself makes all the decisions. Who else could be so expertly inept? White House releases sensitive personal information of voters https://apple.news/ADroP7z_6QpGeX6vuhkTkDA
  18. Every generation since Ug and Olga were in the cave has complained about how kids today are a mess. It's a human thing, and foolish. Every generation has been more peaceful, committed less crime, than the one before, with very limited exceptions (Hi Baby Boomers!). So the kids must be doing something right.
  19. Presidents aren't to blame for the recessions nor credit them with recoveries. Just a cog. Bigger cogs than you or me but still just cogs.
  20. He was good. Amani Toomer level. Buffalo is jacked on him because he was the only bright spot on a lot of blah team's. Mounds had tremendous physicality and athleticism. Good speed. Average to below hands. At a league wide level, he was top ten in his era. Schoebel had good stats but no one missed him when he left. Spikes about the same. Losses but not huge.
  21. This article just out. School funding not always linked to results - BBC News https://apple.news/AoftJBMCcTZGzyMzeBsLUog Not citing it as definitive but again: High pay is not directly linked to better results. The soup that makes up student performance has a lot of ingredients.
  22. Grin and Tiberius share the same 4 IQ points. No need to feed him unless you're just mole whacking.
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