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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. No matter what side you're on, these types of posts are asinine. Spend a moment to argue the merits of the study, then attack the source's credibility if their credibility is relevant to the study (such as if he is a 13 year old badminton champion opining on Korean missile technology--like some of the conspiracy sources cited here). When you start with attacking the source, you're open to the position that no source is credible. That's a vacuous way to think and doesn't lead to meaningful dialogue. I block B-Man because he posts too much and posts no original or non-Rush-approved links, but I clicked the article because of your post. Seemed like it might have some credibility. I'd be curious to learn more about how much voter fraud goes on, wouldn't you? Doesn't that seem like an issue we should understand and thwart?
  2. We already have that. There's just another step to take.
  3. What he said. The Medicare reimbursement rates already drive reimbursements. The practicality of this change is not that hard. It's not what I "want" by any means but it does seem inevitable and better than the kluge we are in now. I used a concierge primary doctor for years. Was awesome and didn't cost much.
  4. Aww man: Trump is gonna tweet something tough tomorrow.
  5. Priebus and Spicer in a hot foot race to book publishers. Whoever comes in second has a lot to lose.
  6. Preibus and Spicer will be in a hot foot race to a publisher. Whoever comes in second had a lot to lose. Trump would have been a good Bills owner. Always in rebuilding mode.
  7. That's a straw man argument and you know it. No one in this thread is saying that. Blowing out your knee and blowing up your mind are not comparable.
  8. You're the chosen one, as DC Tom predicted..
  9. The adult question is easy. Go participate in the head cinder block smashing olympics if you want. But what about kids? Yesh, this is the issue.
  10. You win PPP. Shut down the site. This is where we peak.
  11. A good utopian idea, but enacting it is near impossible. Medicare is far to big to just unplug. It would take a generation to shut it down, not that any politician could ever vote for it and expect to survive. It's not a realistic option. Plus private only options doesn't solve the issue with the tens to hundreds of mllions of sick people who would be uninsured and need health care. I am all for tough repercussions. But for kids? And when my neighbor has typhoid, I'd prefer not to get it. It's a thorny problem.
  12. That's not really an argument for football over other sports. And it applies to a fraction of the youth football nationwide. I don't want to castigate parents. Just point noting out that increasing awareness of this may gut youth football.
  13. Unfortunately no solution is this simple. Healthcare reform has a lot of gears. Going to have to move many at once to make significant change. And then some will need readjustment. Say what you want about the ACA, but not everything about it was awful (marketplaces in general were not a bad idea). It just now needs overhaul. The next bill probably need overhaul too but hopefully not as much. This is going to be a tough issue to wrestle down, as you'd expect from something as big as healthcare.
  14. Guess who's paying for the border wall? Nuestros amigos mexicanos, Si? No.
  15. If you have a friend who's had 20 concussions, he's in a really tough risk group. CTE research thus far points in only one direction. I've been in seminars on this and there are no studies stating that multiple concussions or playing sports with head contact and multiple minor brain injury moments (like football) show brain trauma at the same rate as a control group: Said another way, there are no studies that show 10 years of football is as good for your brain as 10 years of chess. Maybe you think that a study like that is coming. I guess it's possible. But right now, the studies correlate head banging sports with CTE and later life brain dysfunction. Yes the samples on hand are biased. Since the brain is actually injured in a head hit, and your brain is "you," this isn't a shocking correlation. Causation we don't have yet. And I repeat: Who would willingly put their kid in harm's way like this? There are a million other sports than boxing and football. Those sports are premised on head blows. You cannot avoid them. And the risk in soccer can even be mitigated (and the sport is starting to enforce rules to penalize headers and educate coaches on "no headers" for kids) but if not, then throw that in the same risk category.
  16. You can always find adults to play football. I just wonder how much longer you'll find kids. And as to equipment in an earlier post, there's a limit to what and how you can distribute force on a blow to the head. A hit to the head will shake your brain in your skull.
  17. You embody the term moran.
  18. This was a political embarrassing farce for the GOP. Say what you want about The ACA's failures, it was one party"s misguided attempt to help out the health system. The GOP can't even come up with a plan. And now this public humiliation. They can go back to their constituents and demagogue the Dems. That will work for the extremes but those of us in the middle want solutions not soundbytes.
  19. Sean Spicer next 6 months Book deal Publish book SNL appearance with McCarthy during book tour Full bank account Obscurity
  20. Chicken pot pie Box stuffing Mix 900000 calories of delicious.
  21. Calling for an FBI investigation into a leak of publicly available docs is about right for a Trump administration official, so he might even go the distance.
  22. McCain said in a statement. "We must now return to the correct way of legislating and send the bill back to committee, hold hearings, receive input from both sides of aisle, heed the recommendations of nation's governors, and produce a bill that finally delivers affordable health care for the American people. We must do the hard work our citizens expect of us and deserve." If only more of them felt this way. As I predicted, some of these voices of compromise will rise. I wonder if they will be successful.
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