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Buckner's Glove

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Everything posted by Buckner's Glove

  1. The difference is that your link contains a series of quotes along with commentary that is designed to cast him in as bad a light as possible. There was nothing added to Bush's quotes, as nothing needed to be. His stupidity is apparent to anyone who can read. How can you continue to support this mental midget?
  2. How can so many consistantly stupid things come out of the mouth of the man we the people "elected"? I'd laugh, but it truthfully scares the crap out of me. IMHO, the average American should not be more intelligent than the President of the United States. many more...
  3. Damn, pal, calm down. You are not as smart as you think you are.
  4. Guess what just happened! President Reagan dubbed the Soviet Union the Evil Empire and proposed a revolutionary new anti-missile defense system...the strategic defense initiative, nicknamed 'Star Wars' Israel and Lebanon signed a peace treaty, yet civil war in Lebanon continues Australia won the America's Cup after 132 years of unbroken American victory M*A*S*H ended after 251 episodes A bomb planted by Shi'ite Muslims destroyed the U.S embassy in Beirut (I guess some things never change) I'd give some links, but there wasn't a lot of news to be found on the internet in 1983
  5. 1983? At least he wasn't doing lines of coke with Dubya '83. This topic is not only stupid, it's dead.
  6. A lot of you recommended this movie and I want to see it. Does anyone know if it comes in a widescreen format DVD?
  7. I'm a parrot? Typical non-committal response. I've never seen anyone say that you don't take stands - I came up with it all on my own! That's right, my very own original take that was not spoon-fed to me by CNN or the PPP board on TBD! I'm gonna call my mom now and let her know. Come out of the closet, AD...you love Dubya and you know it!
  8. Man, all I see you do is sit on the fence and jump all over anybody who you don't agree with. You have good takes once in a while. Take a stand! What do you think of this? Who are you voting for? Why are you defending Limbaugh?
  9. We're not talking about the average drug addict on the street here, we're talking about Rush. Out of one side of his fat mouth he talks about good clean conservative family values contrasted against all the evil liberals with their filthy lifestyles that are bringing down our society. Into the other side he's popping 15 illegal pills daily while trying to figure out who wife #4 should be. Frankin is as bad in some respects, but I don't see him engaging in illegal activities and preaching against the very things he does in his daily life. Rush is Right...HYPOCRITE!!!
  10. ...because I don't buy into your neo-conservative crap? Rush has made his living jumping all over every little thing he can spin to make others look foolish. This is karma coming back to bite him in his big fat ass. The hypocrite should go to jail.
  11. Limbaugh loses appeal in court Medical records under seal Prosecutors seized Limbaugh's medical records in late November and early December of 2003. Authorities also seized Limbaugh's prescription records from several drugstores from which Limbaugh obtained 2,000 pills over six months, prosecutors said. more Averaging out to just over 15 pills per day!
  12. I don't care. He's the President and he's supposed to make the right decision and blew the biggest one of his first term when he invaded Iraq without irrefutable proof. He made us look like fools and bullies to the rest of the world, and although much of the sentiment on this board leans toward giving the old :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to the rest of the world, the world is not as big a place as it used to be and it really does matter what the rest of them think. GW is a buffoon and can't regularly string two original thoughts together without making up new words and mumbling and stumbling through every other agonizong moment. He represents us badly. John Kerry at least seems to have something between his ears when he speaks and talks like he cares about our place in the rest of the world. I don't know how good of a president Kerry would make, but I know what a horrible president GW has been. Flame away GOP!
  13. I'd say I support the removal of Dubya more than the election of Kerry. Bush is the dumber of two evils. How can you vote for a guy who's dumber than dumb?
  14. ...and Bledsoe sucks because of the offensive line There, now it's Bills/football related.
  15. Don't be a dick! This is a hell of a lot more relavent and at least as equally on topic as most of the threads we've seen here lately (I'm a horrible human being).
  16. This must be a mistake, Dubya assured us that there were WMDs in Iraq. That's why 1000+ US soldiers died over there since the end of combat oprations, right? Are you saying Dubya lied or that he is just plain stupid?
  17. Do you think he ate them all? That averages out to just over 15 per day!
  18. Limbaugh loses appeal in court Medical records under seal Prosecutors seized Limbaugh's medical records in late November and early December of 2003. Authorities also seized Limbaugh's prescription records from several drugstores from which Limbaugh obtained 2,000 pills over six months, prosecutors said. more
  19. It makes you wonder what's taking up the rest of the space. Jelly perhaps?
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