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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. It was a clinic. A feast for the Eyes. Every soccer fan should watch that game. Such ease, such skill, such mastery of the game. Serbia should have applauded their opponents after the game.


    wow, it was amazing, I had goose bumps watching that game just based on the skill.


    Go Argentina!

  2. yep, the injection of some pace really helped. But I think they lack a "Gazza" type player to really control the midfield and release the forwards.


    They also don't seem to be supporting each other very well and there is little touch or creativity in the final 1/3 of the field. Without a cross or long range shot, they never seem able to score.


    But they got the result, and that's all that counts in the group stage. A team that still has too much individual talent to write off this early.

  3. I watch all three games a day. Sorry you find it boring. Watch American Idol or something as equally entertaining.


    I love watching soccer. Many people don't. Fair enough. If you think it's a simple, boring game, don't play, don't watch.


    If you haven't noticed, the game doesn't need you.


    On a serious note, for those that don't play. I think part of the reason I like soccer so much is that I play. I appreciate the mastery of skill and the precision and training it takes to receive a pass from 50 yards, control it with your foot and have it stop right in front of you. Some NFL receivers can't catch a pass with their hands on a 50 yard pass.


    When we say complicated, it's the subtles in the game, watching the great players undue an entire defence with a pass that splits open the entire defence or watch a player hit the top corner of the net from 25 yards out when some QB's can't throw the ball with such accuracy.


    I like most sports, I can appreciate them for what they are, but soccer is tops in my books.

  4. And it makes me happy that most north american's don't get soccer. I grew up playing hockey and soccer. I love playing both sports. But I can not sit through a hockey game sorry. But I love watching soccer. To each their own.


    There is a certain beauty to a soccer game (hence "the beautiful game") the closest that I have seen to this is hockey when the russions with the green line played (before the russians played in the NHL - Makarov, Krutov, Larrionoff (sorry for the hack job on spellings)


    It makes me laugh how people come on a soccer thread and get pissed because soccer is being rammed down their throats? I don't like cricket, but as I was travelling to India - the India and Pakistan cricket matches were on, and I must admit, I was getting caught up in. It's huge over their, fans go crazy and it was great.


    I travel alot to England and you hear the same thing from English fans about American sports. NFL players are pu$$ies, because they can't play offence and defence, why do they need to break every 30 seconds, why do they need equipment and helmets when rugby players don't. Why do cricket players play without gloves, etc.!


    It just comes down to a lack of understanding of the other person's game and a mentality that what we do is superior to what the other person does. It's a human condition. Rather than trying to embrace it or at least learn and understand about it, people put it down.


    The World Cup is a pretty big thing here in Canada - maybe it's the multicultural aspect. I don't know, but I love going to a pub and seeing polish fans one one side and german fans on the other and having a great time. Plus, the waitress in soccer uniforms with tight shorts and soccer socks is ultra sexy!


    PS. I don't like Nascar, baseball, etc. I just don't open those threads. No interest to me. Life goes on.

  5. Lets see if Cher is available....or Pink. Prince?


    Good point on the coaching. There are different styles of soccer and I think Canada and the US would be best served if they adopted a South American style. But it's more of a European (German/English) style and I don't think it's good.


    I have nephews etc. and I go to watch their games and their coaches are essentially hockey dads coaching the team. Not a clue on teaching technique, tactics, etc. I was fortunate enough to play for an all Chilean team at a very young age and that is likely why I can still play.

  6. you'll enjoy watching Chelsea this year. Building on an already dominant team. They've signed a very good young african player and star of the German team - Ballack and Shevchenko - considered by some the best striker in the world (Kaka - his AC Milan team mate says he's the best player he's every played with! and Kaka plays for Brazil!? )

  7. Well, something to think about..the best athletes are not necessarily the best soccer players. Look at some of the best , Riquelme, Maradonna, Platini, Zidane, Berkamp, Van Basten, etc. Paul Gascgoine - fat tubby player, arguably one of the most gifted players to play on the English national side.


    England are no slouch nation when it comes to athletes as they have had some very good athletes and soccer is very popular in England, but that doesn't mean they are the best in the world.


    Probably slow 40 times, etc. But they were magicians witht the ball, where one pass could split open an entire defence. These players are rare, and it's not their athleticism that makes them great, it's their vision, ability to understand the game and the touch on the ball that comes from 20+ years of honing their skills.


    ie. Argentina just played against a much athletically superior team in the Ivory Coast, but Argentina won convincingly.


    So, while Reggie Bush is an uber athelete, and can play one position in a sport where he is asked to carry a football and run as fast as he can to a hole, I don't know that it would necessary make him a great soccer player.

  8. It isn't a difficult concept to grasp, but it seems to escape most anti-soccer fans who talk about faking injuries.


    Soccer isn't a game where play stops every 15 seconds like NFL, or where subs are allowed on the fly like Hockey, or subs like Basketball. How many times have you seen a running back call for a sub after a few players in. heck, most aren't even 3 down running backs.


    Going down as if injured in soccer is very strategic, either to get a yellow card for the other team or just slow the pace of the game down or to get a breather. They run for 90 minutes, only 3 subs are allowed per game, when your fouled, you typically go down and stay down to catch your wind, get a breather.

  9. isn't Kobe African? Wouldn't one of the many millions in Africa be as equally as athletic. Just because you haven't heard of him I wouldn't assume he's not out there. For example, Drogba is extremely strong and athletic and very muscular.


    I also don't agree that if Urlacher or anyone else played Rugby they would be good. Urlacher tackles people. That's it. Not alot of skilled involved. Rugby requires alot more skill in my opinion.


    It's an interesting topic though, because more and more, soccer is becoming an athletic game where speed merchants (and physical size) are more valued than creative midfield/strikers. (ie. Riquelme, Zidane, etc.). It will be interesting to watch what wins out in the world cup athletics or technique. I'm a firm believer that in soccer, technique wins out over athletics, but the value right now is being placed on athletics and size(ie. Owens, Henry, Crouch, Koller). Then you have those rare athletes that have both ie. Ronaldinho.

  10. I agree Pete. USA will one day have a very good soccer team. USA has a few of the key ingredients:


    1) Population at 10 times that of Canada (but look at T&T, so population is no excuse!)

    2) Warm climate for long playing seasons or year round soccer!

    3) Large hispanic influence in southern states

    4) $$$$


    In Canada, it's become a right of childhood to play soccer and I've heard a number of my collegues say, I don't know much about the world cup, but my kids are going crazy about it, so I'm going to try to watch it. The good news for Canada is that we've produced two world class players. Our problem is that they don't want to play for Canada and opt to play for their mother land. (ie. the Lennox Lewis problem)


    US will have a good team at some point in the future, but this is not that point, I see it still being a bit off in the horizon. You need your top players playing in Europe not MLS until the MLS becomes better. Really, the US team is becoming a bit of a victim of its own success in the 2002 World Cup. It wasn't really a quality team, but played with heart and desire, and probably got results it didn't deserve and now the bar has been raised too high.

  11. Personally, since the World Cup is so big, the US get all of the athletes from our "major" sports and just dominate one time.  You're telling me if we rolled out Kobe Bryant and Brian Urlacher (with proper training) out there, we wouldn't dominate?  :huh:




    To play soccer well, you have to start playing when your 5 years old. This isn't NFL football where you take a basketball player and convert him to a TE. Your statement indicates that you have very little grasp of how difficult soccer is to play.


    Also, I'm sure many of the soccer players are far superior to NFL players. Just look at the African players who are very athletic.

  12. I just watched the game at the pub...the truth of the matter is that expectations are just way too unrealistic for the US side. Everytime I watch them play, you can just see how much quality they lack as side when compared to other strong soccer nations. Reyna was by far the best US player on the pitch with some nice touches and his balls were quality.


    As for the rest, they just can't provide that decisive touch when it matters. To me, the USA play a bit like the English team, but with less talent. No real creativity, no real flare, dependent largely on a high work rate, pace up front and crosses played into the box.


    Czech's midfield played with such quality, it was a pleasure to watch. Well, debating if I watch the Ghana vs. Italy game or I stick around the office and get caught up on some work.

  13. I was a bit disapointed with Portugal as well. They missed Deco. I was surprised the pace Figo showed (he's about 34) to set up the first goal. C.Ronaldo will likely miss the first game of the elimation round if the three yellow rule is in effect. He picked up one this game and he seems like he's ready to have a temper tantrum.


    Overall, Portugal didn't show me enough to really be impressed.


    Glad to see the Mexico result! Hopefully, the Borgetti injury isn't serious.

  14. Argentina has looked the most complete side thus far. Riquelme is a maestro on the ball and pulled the strings beautifully in the game. It's a shame that 95% of north american sports fans can't see the beauty in his game.


    Will be interesting to see if Messi, when healthy, replaces Saviola. Sorin was wonderful in defence.


    Quite frankly, Holland slightly dissappointed in the game. Other than Robben, the team didn't show alot of creativity. Still a very skillful side, but will need to show more if they are to reach their goals.


    Ivory Coast - I wouldn't be surprised at all if they win their next two and advance.


    The Chelsea players are all getting off to good world cups with goals by Drogba, Crespo(my golden boot selection), and Robben.


    Nice to see CONCAF with one win and a tie and but one loss. (I think the second one will come with US vs Czech...but it's soccer, I could be surprised!)


    One more game to go today...then off to soccer practice. CYA.

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