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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. Fewer north american soccer fans the better if you ask me. Don't need to ruin a good thing.


    It was nice for Gerrard. But I thought Milan was the better team prior to the game and on the field.


    Some very poor spot kicks by Milan and I can't believe no one complained about the goalie after the first kick was taken. He was clearly affecting the kickers.


    But nice Liverpool showed heart to come back and they were rewarded.

  2. I watched that game last night at my moms.


    Did you see the antics of the Liverpool Goalie. Very bizarre. But 2 of those penalty kicks should have been retakes, the goalie was clearly not staying on his line prior to the kick being taken.

  3. It's tough to comment because we don't know the specifics.


    But I will say, I think it's natural to feel bad. I recently left a senior position and I knew it was the right thing to do and I did not like job I was in. After I told the CEO I was leaving, they tried to get me to stay and I really felt miserable, but a month into the new job, leaving was abolutely the right decision and I barely even remember the old place.


    Do what's right for you and what makes you happy.

  4. It's not legal. There are tons of prostitutes but I imagine it's like most big cities, they walk the streets and put ads in the paper, yellow pages, etc.


    Cops don't really care until they do a crack down.


    I'm in between places and I live in a red light district. It's the low end stroll...makes for interesting evening sights. The place I live is higher end, just minutes out of the downtown core. Families, yuppies, etc. but girls are out there as early as 7am some days.

  5. I work out in the mornings. I run 10k by the river 3-4 times a week. And then weights on alternate days.


    Nothing more beneficial for the soul than running by the river at sunrise, I see beavers, woodpeckers, I run by a race track so the hourses are out, the smell of straw. It's a bit dark when I get out of the house at about 6am, but on the way back the sun is rising. No one else is out...good for the soul.


    It takes a while to get into this routine and a friend to force you to go is a good way to get started.


    The thing I like best about working out in the mornin is:

    a) no stress about the later workout thinking it has to get done

    b) within 1 hour of your day, you've already accomplished something.

  6. Looking for some advice on lessons learned.


    I'm a professional....Chartered Accountant and Insolvency Trustee who is not scared to do work handy work himself, but most things I will be doing to this house will be a first time affair. I don't work in the trades, but I have some resources to lean on.


    I'm thinking of purchases a 1945 bungalow in a really hot district of town. A block from a river, walk to downtown, and in a revitalization community. It's 1200 square feet and in a bit of mess. Structurally it looks good but I will get a house inspection.


    Thinking about buying it and either gutting it completely or doing a major renovations. Moving interior walls, bathrooms, carpets, hardwood, etc.


    The vision I have is to have a professional help with the "critical tasks" and do the other tasks like painting, etc. on my own.


    Anyone done something like this? Lessons learned...things you wish you knew before you started. This will be my third house, and in the past, the most I've done is refinished hardwoods, painted walls, plastered holes, etc.



    Thanks for any advice.

  7. Kevbeau....I believe the US just broke into the top 10 in the World FIFA rankings...but I think there is a long way to go before a world cup win in the future. But you never know, who would have predicted Greece to win the European Championships. If the cards are played right...it could happen.


    As for some of the other posts....Soccer is a game that you need to play from a young age and play alot since it takes alot of SKILL. It's not like football, where you can take an 18 year old basketball player and convert him to tight-end.

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