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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. I think for the MLS to really take off, they need a big name signing and some players. Kind of like how Gretzky was signed by the WHA back in the day.


    I really have no interest in watching MLS...but if a team signed Robinho or Robben or someone like that who is a young star. I'd watch the MLS. It's the players that will attract people. But you need a profitable league or a rich tycoon to make the investment in the players and the league.

  2. was saying about what New Orleans. Basically flat out calling the rescue efforts racist. I could not believe the reporters and the anchorman. I was appalled.


    At one point, to put an exclamation point on the whole racist story line, they showed a white man, who's 8 ft fence had fallen down, and he met his black neighbour for the first time.


    The BBC really really seems to have a thing against the US. I'm use to watching the Canadian news and the US news. The US news generally gives a pro-USA view. Canadian news, a slightly more balance view. But the BBC was big time anti-american. That really surprised me, because I thought the Canadian news, with all our recent disagreements with the US would me more anti-american than the BBC.


    The only reason I point this out is I'm sure most american's generally only watch american news. It's always interesting to see what the rest of the world is reporting. And the BBC news reporting really shocked me.


    The sum of their reporting was that the rescue efforts are based on race and that everyone has a gun and it's shoot to kill. Showed an old 80 year old couple with a revolver that they were loading and they've received instructions from the Marshall to shoot to kill.

  3. I wasn't impressed with either team. Mexico's sloppy defending lost them the game. I thought the Mexican's had better linkage and showed better imagination in the buildup and near the 18 yard box. The US showed no offensive imagination no ability for any midfield build up but defended well and won the lose balls. The US also had a very high work rate more than you typically see by other teams.


    It was a choppy game with lots of hard tackling. The highlight was Beasley's clinical finishing. The US got the result they needed, they really seem to have Mexico's number, which is suprising because Mexico is, in my opinion, the more skilled team and higher ranked team by FIFA.

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