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Hardy Pyle

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Posts posted by Hardy Pyle

  1. exactly...look at some of the coaches who have been chased out...

    ..Wade Phillips/Dan Henning/Pendry/Cottrell/Levy/


    I'm sure there are more, but no GM/coach is without criticism. Success takes time. Sometimes more time than fickle fans want to give.


    I'm not quite as angry as many of you as I never saw this team as a good team. Even last year, I saw all the flaws. Even with the #1 defence rating and all the turnovers, I would have taken our Pat Williams/Ted Washington/Cowart/Winfield/Sam Rogers/Newman/Holocek defence over this one. That was a physical defence that abused people.

  2. Ty Law jumps on that fumble and we lose the game. Miami doesn't fumble and we lose that game.


    Vinny was a fan 3 weeks ago. Miami played an awful game. Once we play a decent team, reality will hit some of you pretty hard.


    Be happy with the win, but it's one game at a time. Any win we get, we're lucky to get.

  3. This is what I think about Peter King.


    ii) I bet dollar's to frappachino latte's that Peter King did not watch the game and has no comprehension of the Bills' other problems on offense, defense and coaching.


    I for one, would be much more concerned about keeping JP in the game if the defence and special teams were playing lights out. This team is going no where this year. Let JP play at all costs.


    PS. I really didn't think JP played too badly this game. (ducks as virtual rotten tomatoes are thrown at him!). Some nice throws. Some bad decisions. Some running first downs. Just about what I expected.

  4. I've never thought much of Jerry Gray and the last two games only strenghen my stance? Why pass rush two mobile QB's who have questionable throwing capabilities? For the past two games, our defensive line would have performed better to have no rush and just to contain.


    In so many situations in our aggressive approach, we've totally take our D-line players out of position and created huge lanes for the QB to run through.


    Our d-line would have been more effective if at the snap they were told they can't go past the line of scrimmage, let Brooks throw the ball just don't let him run for first downs or the TD. That was driving me nuts...we made it way to easy for them.


    On Losman, why keep rolling him out?? He seems to play alot better in the pocket right now and hits most of his good plays when he is in the pocket. The nice throws to Smith and Reed were in the pocket. I don't understand why we keep having the rollouts when everyone is looking for them and he holds the ball too long on the rollouts. Keep him in the pocket.

  5. How is that not a legit touchdown? There was also another open receiver close to the Jason Peter that Losman could have also threw to. And if we didn't have penalties every time we were in the red zone we would have scored more TD's.


    I think the bigger problem is that we lost the battles on the line of scrimmage on both offense and defense this last game. And our o-line has not looked good in run blocking.


    JP's lack of accuracy is not a huge concern to me as I think it came with inexperience. He did well in the Texans game and seemed to correct his problems at the end of the game.

  6. Exactly, he was facing alot of pressure and I expected alot worst once I saw what was going.


    He needs to keep his mechanics in check and do a better job of looking off safeties, etc. But he has a skill that all the great ones have. Pocket Composure. It seemed like he was moving well in the pocket, getting the ball off, etc. He just needs to hit his targets.


    It was a tough game and that defense is going to make alot of QB's look bad. I think we'll bounce back.


    What scares me most about that game is our run defence. We were exposed.

  7. ...I thought he looked pretty composed and did not totally self destruct.


    The safety....inexperience, he was trying to make a play.


    We know he can be an accurate passer. I thought his biggest problem was accuracy in the TB game. If he works on that, I think he'll be fine.


    This is the same defence that made Cullpepper look pretty bad and JP had very little help.


    I think this good kick in the butt is probably good for the team in the long run.


    TB in my opinion is the real deal.


    I think Everett would have really helped us up the middle.

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