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Everything posted by gordong

  1. Like the emotion but when the game starts they better control it. I don't think this is a good sign myself, in the past this has always resulted in dumb plays... HOPE this time is different!
  2. Yep saw the IR thing coming as soon as Rex hinted. ........you can double his games missed now.... and it will continue to grow.
  3. in fairness to him look what he has to throw to this year???
  4. can't......thanks for pointing that out
  5. HORRIBLE draft pick... your no good if you can't play. END of story... #1 receiver....never gonna happen, he will never stay healthy enough. Haven't looked it up but I'd be willing to bet he has missed more games than Andre Reed all ready
  6. Just think how much better it would be if we didn't loose Ragland... Give me some hope for next year though. but I agree the brown boys have played well.
  7. if the bills, hire McDaniel's it will be another 17 years before the bills do anything.. he was a complete unmitigated disaster in Denver... WHY would anyone want someone that has that on his resume?? PASS. They would be much better giving someone with no previous head coaching experience, at least then there is a chance we hit on it. Ask the fans of the Broncos what they think of him... we don't need a retread that had absolutely no clue the only other time he was a head coach.
  8. times a hundred billion zillion...
  9. I think we have a lot of issues and kicker isn't one of them...
  10. Like throwing the ball to Watkins..... oh wait when he plays......
  11. Really the guy EVERY Bronco fan hated. and proved that he didn't know personal? not only no, but HELL no....
  12. by letting them score on all their dives???? and not stopping any 3rd downs?
  13. that cant be right! because watkins said "I'm 100%" like everything else with this team, its all talk. What a wasted draft pick.... #1 receiver, yeah right if you cant play your no #1 LOL this team is a joke.
  14. So what the over under on fines after this game, I'm betting on 3. the NFL should be embarrassed with the quality of officials they use, its disgusting actually.
  15. there is a joke here.....somewhere
  16. He should be suspended by the team after the 4 games.... DUMB just DUMB. This is the kind of crap you get when you bring low character guys..... It's working out wonderful.....
  17. The biggest take away for me was his rife arm strength, and he looked comfortable in the pocket, and he even moved around a little without looking rattled. (that is huge) I see where your going. He has a ways to go but all the tools are there, can he master it??? only time will tell, but it a great start, should be fun to see his growth over the next couple years, hopefully! I'm actually encouraged, but still very thankful we have Tyrod! we have the makings of a solid foundation at QB (finally), too bad it's taken 25 years (or whatever it's been)
  18. pretty much spot on! Although I would have OJ 1st or 2nd, Very hard to choose which players was better Bruce or OJ. but I agree with the names on the list.
  19. they are both still in business, so there must be a market for it....
  20. Ritchie did do things wrong, but Martin is a pu$$y as well. Be a man tell the guy you dont like how is is talking to you.... it was is a classic example of someone that was over his head... both in the locker room and on the field.
  21. boldin and freeney (until the rookie comes back)
  22. f-that guy.... I wouldn't take him back if he played for free.
  23. Sometime I just don't get the Bills, they should be bring in anybody to play DE.... or maybe another RB we never seem to have enough of those!
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