Eichel is probably a top 10 player in his sport... Watkins it not. Does he have the talent too be, Yes!
I hope for our sake he gets there.... but not now. That's not to say he doesn't have a positive affect on the Bills but the current state of the WR position that not saying much.
Look there is no question he is talented, but his career number are Average... there are dozens and dozens of guy with better number over 3 years.
Does he have the talent to be better you bet but so far we have gotten avg....
No denying he is talented, but nothing in his numbers screams more than average
4.22 catches per game.... 16 yard average 131 catches over 3 years. I can find a lot of WR with better numbers than this guy.
Yeah and he played hurt in how many of those games....???
Sorry if I expect more from the 4th pick in the draft., he's average at best (when he even plays)
Keep drinking the Kool-aid
Games played vs games not... it not like this guy is getting tackled by 300lb linemen... it's 200lb corners and safties... what is the most games he's played in a row??? Come on seriously.... what good is he if he cant play????????
Does anyone on the board think he will stay healthy enough to play 16 games next year???
its like a 3 stooges rerun... for 20 years now.....
Problem is I still don't know who Larry Curly and Moe are.... because as soon as I think I've got it someone else does something even dumber.
How can he have a broken bone in his foot he just did nothing for what 8 weeks??? I'm so over watkins.... can't wait until he is gone off this team. and it was a great idea to sign Harvin too.... when will this front office learn, DUMB....
!@#$ you Ref's, !@#$ you! why is the NFL loosing viewers.... because you employee pieces of **** to ref... its a JOKE Average fans could do a better job then these HACKS
that's not 5-11, so what is it?? 5-11 or 6-10 make up your mind... your all ready saying we wont be 5-11, by yourself, so I'm not even going to debate with you.
could be a sign that Watkins is not coming back this year as well...... I don't hate the signing but I also don't think he is going to make it though all 8 games, and the playoffs, and superbowl.... oh wait, never mind!