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Everything posted by gordong

  1. "League sources also confirmed to ESPN that the footballs were "properly inspected and approved" by the referee some two hours before kickoff." and it grows a little more.... http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/deflate-gate-indianapolis-colts-complained-november-inflated-england/story?id=28365105
  2. Maybe, He was secretly working for the PATS and he is responsible for the one football being properly inflated. After all the PATS are the best team ever assembled and we are mere pee-eon's (as evidence by our sucktude the last 15 YEARS). anyone see what I did there???
  3. Guess dinner with REX didn't go well last night. Didn't Doug just say a day or two ago he didn't expect any more changes on the scouting side??
  4. Well it took 11 years, but I've finally added someone to my ignore list (congratulations), you just can't fix stupid sometimes.
  5. What does the last 15 years have to do with the PATS cheating???????????????? What's so hard to understand, They got caught cheating in 2007, they got caught cheating again last weekend, it's called a pattern. It has NOTHING to do with the bills, Go look on ABCNEWS, it the lead story, why? BECAUSE THEY GOT CAUGHT CHEATING.......AGAIN, FOR THE 2ND TIME. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if they have been caught once, and caught again 8 years later they are probably cheating elsewhere.
  6. Totally disagree with this statement, You dont have a rule in place and then not enforce the rule, Twice. Sorry there is a pattern here and it not about a football with 2psi less air.
  7. IF this was the first time, probably right, but it's not. Now it's past Corked Bat, spitball,and Stealing signs.
  8. YEP... Wonder who he learn it from..... This is TWICE they have been caught, Doesn't matter if Bob the ball boy physcally is the one who deflated the balls, he was told to do it that much you can be sure. When a pattern emerges, it's not a mistake anymore. (Sure would be nice if Bob the ball boy, blew the whistle though.)
  9. They haven't , not even close. Because the 49ers were never caught CHEATING.
  10. Coach thrown out a year, no Superbowl (coach), Loose 1 round pick, 1,000,000.00 Team fine. If caught again for any rules violation lifetime ban for the Cheater Coach. Time to send a message NFL... Do you have the Guts to uphold your own rules? It's really getting embarrassing for the NFL now, it should be.
  11. What an A$$ Bag.....I hope Kiko knocks him on his A$$ during that game.
  12. We'll agree to disagree that the great thing about an opinion.
  13. You build a stadium downtown and tailgating comes to an end quickly, there is no tailgating in parking ramps. There simply is not enough room for the kind of parking that the Ralph has anywhere downtown. take the size of the parking at the raplh and try to fit it anywhere downtown. You would have to go to NF, or towards Rochester. Can you imagine trying to get to a Stadium in NF, going over those bridges....no thanks. Somewhere east of the city makes the most sense or keep in in OP.
  14. Couldn't happened to a better guy, hope he never gets another NFL job. Ass monkey is way to nice as far as I'm concerned.
  15. I find it extremely funny that Hackett could end up being Marrone's boss. If Hackett gets OC and Marrone is O-line coach I would truly feel sorry for the Jags.
  16. I hear he's ok, nothing special, Dont want him here though He's too old, and he was hurt, you know once some gets hurt it's over. Besides I hear Sammy dosent like the way the ball spins when he throws it. Sarcasm OFF
  17. Come on Man....The Jets had NO DB's last year and they finished 6th in defense..... I get the feeling your trying to fit a square topic into a round hole.... give it up, Seriously... worry about the Offensive side of the ball if you want too, not the D.
  18. Callahan, Solari, Sparano, all would be huge HUGE upgrades over what we had.
  19. I think you can see by what was said in the press conf, Rex said something to the effect "Keep drafting the player you've been drafting". A coach can improve players but in the end it all comes down to talent, With that being said we need to improve the talent in a couple area's and we should be fine. First and for most is O-line, fix that and even EJ in Year 3 has a chance.
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