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Everything posted by gordong

  1. He was hurt last week, they dressed him put him in the game and he lasted one play, rehurt... He was clearly not healthy enough to be put into the game.
  2. I can’t believe the jets did that to their LT.... that was amateur coaching 101... WOW
  3. lol.... oh j e t s j e t s Jets Jets Jets.... man they are a tire fire. Greggo should be fired right now...
  4. @Nick_Wojton Likely a good sign for Josh Norman.... on Tuesday the #Bills moved Norman to the Designated for return section of their IRhttps://twitter.com/Nick_Wojton/status/1311766835877105667 … https://twitter.com/Nick_Wojton/status/1311766835877105667 Nick @Nick_Wojton · 49m Likely a good sign for Josh Norman.... on Tuesday the #Bills moved Norman to the Designated for return section of their IR Quote Tweet Nick @Nick_Wojton · 53m The #Bills waived CB Cam Lewis
  5. So does this mean they have 5 players and 11 people total or is this in reaction to yesterdays news that anther player tested positive?
  6. More like 4 days (Thursday Friday, sat, Sun.) Because they would normally start on Monday for the bills.
  7. Boy the NFL has really screwed up handling all of this Covid Stuff... So because this team was not careful they get an edge in playing the bills, Meanwhile the dummy Raiders could infect our whole team because they ARE STUPID. and the NFL keeps chugging along.
  8. gotta love how the idiot fans are as informed as the raiders.. "it no big deal". "If they test okay they play" "nothing to see here" "That idiot Florio just went on a 20 minute rant with Simms about this. He wants the Raiders facility shut down for 2 days. He wants all the players suspended" I have to say if I were the bills I would be putting up some serious Stink about this... If that gets passed to our Team it could end our season. That's bull#### the NFL is not in control of this!
  9. who the hell care what @Schatz thinks....he is writing for a two bit website and knows Schatz about football.
  10. it's going to take till the end of the year for him to fully recover just like everyone one else that has knee surgery. you won't see the same player (pre injury) until next year.
  11. Who just returned to practice today.
  12. ehhhh. both very winnable I expect a win against the raiders... we are better then they are. Next week I will worry about the other team.
  13. CNN has an article about this is our new normal... if that's true there will be no new stadiums, ever.
  14. Didn't say I agree with it ,but they will not do anything. At least this week
  15. they literally have nobody to play QB if they benched the players at the event... never going to happen.
  16. If Allen plays like this all year we will probably lose him to a HC position somewhere..
  17. Not to burst everyones bubble but it's based of twitter ..... I'd bet money there are more in Florida than any other state (except NY), they just are not using twitter Edit NEVERMIND see it being discussed already.
  18. He’s eligible to return... macd said they will see how he does this week... we could use another good cb to add to the defense
  19. And tre is meh, Micah is a bum, And Knox, Should be cut and Allen gets a b for the rams game. some people just have no freaking idea wth they are talking about.... god forbid when we actually loose a game.
  20. Sure would be nice if we can get our ***** together on Defense by the end of the year.
  21. Did Swammy just say Jared Allen??? WTH Chris
  22. I really hope our defense get's it act together... because KC sure is looking good.
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