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Everything posted by gordong

  1. He's also 21 or 22 Gessh man Give it time.
  2. Josh’s 2nd td pass he came up to line, saw the defense and changed the play.... TD. Huge, seeing him recognize it and change Into the correct play.
  3. Called the 300yds on Wednesday..... completion percentage was in the 70%’s as well... should keep getting better!
  4. Did any of the VPN's have a server in Buffalo?? I used to use FrostVPN when I lived away from The area they have a server (well had I was using it) That is how I watched Sabres games and bills games.
  5. No what is tearing this country to shreds is everyone thinks you have to have the same opinion as everyone else. It okay to have two separate viewpoints... PEOPLE don't get that anymore. Instead if just accepting it they try to force it on someone or they start the petty name calling or taking shots at someone, it's like High school 101.
  6. Your entitled to you opinion... 👌 Just as I'm entitled to mine
  7. I just have an issue of adding politics to a sporting event... When I watch sports it's to escape all the other crap going on, I just don't feel its the time or place.. Play the damn game collect your check and if you want to be a person for change afterwords on your own time great more power to you. Simple fact of the matter is I will just tune out the beginning of games, and if it keeps up the NFL will loose me as a fan. I'm trying to watch a sporting event I'm not asking for your political views.
  8. Guess we'll find out in 3 days if they can stop the run. Why are you worried about #2 CB? Levi was the starting CB on the #2 Defense in the NFL last year... he is still here and now we have Josh here as well.
  9. So when Cody is in a guard Ty is the tackle but when Cody is the Tackle Daryl is the guard... interesting ... Also Josh Norman is starting CB. No real surprises which is good actually!
  10. So are we going to have any surprises on the OL, any other positions that we could see a surprise?
  11. If we don't turn over the football this game should be over by the start of the 3rd at the latest. Last year we out gained the jets 370 to 223 in the first game and our Backups outgunned them 309 to 273. we turned the ball over 7 times to them last year. We don't beat ourselves and this is a big win. Allen with his first 300 yrd day...
  12. So what position group are you going to go short on to keep 4 kickers??? The answer is resounding NO
  13. No punters needed, Our Offense is going to be so good won't matter who the punter is.....
  14. Allen was Excellent, that can't be right he can't hit the side of a barn.... NICE!!!! Show em all Josh!!!
  15. this thread is dumb..... Bills are not changing their name, NOR SHOULD THEY.
  16. Seeing as the defense Regresses when Milano is not in the lineup I think that would be a huge mistake, And I don't think your giving him enough credit saying pick him up after he get's cut... I'd say he is playing at a better Level then when Nigal left.
  17. How can you have a huge hole at QB when the QB is 6'5"???? Yeah I said it.
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