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Everything posted by gordong

  1. your opinion sir, I don’t think a defense that give up that many yards played well at all. You apparently do, to each there own... clever has nothing to do with it... 🤧
  2. Don’t doubt he want it, but he also has to feel like he will have a chance to succeed... does the jet job do that?? I’ve turned down jobs when I felt it wasn’t a good chance to succeed.
  3. damn I didn’t think I saw him... but was hopeful.
  4. And almost 400 yards we have very different definitions of complete.
  5. Just keep getting better every week... don’t give a crap where the defense ranks.... be like last years defense during the playoffs.
  6. The bad news we have not played a complete game yet..... the good news 4-0 baby!
  7. The bills really need to learn the killer mentality.....
  8. I though bass has a strong leg??? You can’t kick it out of the end zone in a dome??
  9. The offense is good the defense is horrible, the coaching is not good enough... plain and simple... 4weeks now Josh is going to have to bail out this team again if they have any chance of winning.
  10. What the f is wrong with this team.... why do we play like ***** the 3rd period....
  11. I don’t think I’ve seen so many injury’s and the player come back two plays later. Wth
  12. Could we please make better halftime adjustments Than the other team., please!!
  13. Defense looks very timid.... all the wr te have so much room... we are playing so far off... and please don’t ever put Kline back in a game.
  14. There goes the season, he’s hurt walking off bent over.... that’s a shoulder injury came down hard on it.
  15. Allen 10-13 and two we’re throw a ways , and diggs dropped the other.
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