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Everything posted by gordong

  1. No translation we love him but his still not healthy enough to help us... he was one of our better d-Lineman last year he didn't just forget how to play.. he's coming off an injury that takes a full year to come back from. He'll be fine just not this year probably.
  2. is NE really a signature win... I mean they are currently 2-4. just don't see it being a game we should win.
  3. I thought the same thing.... Wallace coming potentially coming back is a good thing to.. he was after all the #2 CB on the third best defense last year.
  4. this game is not even in the top ten if we lose...(we won't) So many other that mean/ meant much more.
  5. It's the old Frank should start over Jim argument... Let's face it Josh could be the best QB in the NFL and they will complain about that 3rd down pass that was behind so and so.
  6. good... if you want to be the best you have to beat the best... no more excuses.
  7. Nice positive post. 👍👍 On pace for 9 int
  8. he would also shatter the record for TD's
  9. Lol.... playoffs? New England kick our ass next week. I really don’t understand the cb play,,, 3rd and 14 they complete a pass and not one cb is within 8 yards... that’s how you lose, a lot.
  10. in fairness the plan was to have Gaines this year as well... he would have been a huge add this year.
  11. Fear no, ask after some nfl games played... the thing that would scare me If I was a dolphins fan is can he hold up....
  12. well it's going to be fun if we don't have our top 3 CB's for the game Sunday.
  13. Edmunds is going to struggle all year it seems....hopefully the shoulder gets better, but obviously its a problem. I don't know Mahomes has some really bad throws too... and unlike Josh he had 8 hrs in the packet due to no damn pass rush
  14. well *****... the gap is getting bigger and bigger...
  15. What have you seen from Hodges to believe he can replace one of the best slot receivers in the AFC.. Phillips is on his entry level contact. so you want to cut him because he's hurt?
  16. first thing I see is we are playing WAY to soft in coverage its not hard to complete an 8 yard pass when you are 12 yards off to begin with. secound the DLine is getting no pressure... its actually worse than last year.. all off season we heard how the line was going to be so much better with the better players, I'm blaming the new D-Line coach. However the players need to start performing as well. and lastly the LB depth is non-existent when you have these three issue the defense is going to have issues... One trade for a real pass rusher would help this defense by leaps and bounds... if you have to give up a first round pick do it... but it would have to be for someone on the younger side. we are going to see a defensive heavy draft next year.
  17. so now we are cutting Phillips, Hyde, and Beasley.... LOL. Phillips is hurt and will most likely not be fully recovered until next year... he was one of our best Dline last year before the injury. Why are they cutting Beasley?? for what purpose? Because he's too good? Hyde is the mostly on this list but even that is a stretch.
  18. at this point anyone that could put pressure on a QB would be a welcome addition!
  19. This can't be true, I hear Fitz is going into the hall of fame.
  20. none of these guys move the needle anyway.. Ford doesn't seem to be able to run block worth a damn.
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