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  1. Many postings about protesting, but they don't address the matter directly and hurt the fan more than the team. Browns fans stood in a hallway - that does not do anything, the team still collected the ticket $ and the fans missed some plays... Others suggest not renewing season tickets, but this is our team and we want to be there when they do turn this around. This would also make it harder to sell out games and impact the local viewers and support those that say Buffalo can't support a team. One way to send a message that will hit the team in the pocket without hurting the fans themselves - stop buying items at the next few games. If 35,000 people chose not to buy 1 or 2 beers at the game, that is approximately $250,000 in revenue that the team would lose - they would feel it immediately. I'm sure RB and RW would notice that come Monday morning....
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