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Everything posted by MTBill

  1. MAJBobby - I get what you're laying down. Looking at that link - of the teams who kept two - Texans, Eagles, Packers, Vikings, and 49ers all had QB changes during the season (just from memory - not looking this up). Most of those teams who kept 2 also have a SOLID #1 (Russell Wilson, Jared Goff, Drew Brees, Cam Newton, Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Matt Stafford, Carson Wentz, Dak Prescott, Phillip Rivers, Marcus Mariota, Joe Flacco, and Tom Brady). 13 of those 19 teams were totally set with their #1. We are not there yet. If one of those guys went down and we had to throw Allen in as #1 - we could end up scrambling to get a #2. I think BB & SM are keeping 3 QBs for now.
  2. Have you seen this O-Line? They are all cheap (2 rookie contracts and a very manageable AJM contract). They won't release any of them - and shouldn't.
  3. I haven't heard (read) word one about Proehl. Is he showing anything in camp?
  4. We'd probably get better coverage from a NE spygate feed.
  5. What? They couldn't broadcast the rest of the scrimmage? Booo. I thought the same thing as others on that Pick...
  6. His demeanor and class about this situation is exactly why I think this is probably a load of BS by his ex. The investigation has turned up nothing - or we'd hear about it. He is focused on exactly what he should be focused on. He isn't adding any fuel to the fire. And seemingly neither is she at this point (probably after her lawyer put the kibosh on that). I think they are going to have to catch an assailant in order for there to be any movement on this case. At this point the only evidence is her injuries and her narrative. Doesn't appear to be any other witnesses or physical evidence. I guess unless that jewelry shows up somewhere.
  7. This one time, I threw 5 interceptions in a game, and they still pay me!
  8. What is potentially problematic for her is - if these suspicions aren't proven, she may get sued later for baseless accusations - which is exactly what they are so far. If her account is accurate - it would be a logical conclusion for a person to draw up. But - so far this is all her word. No other evidence corroborates her story. (she could have set this whole thing up - as crazy as it sounds). Public opinion does not offer such protections. People make judgements. If/When it goes to court, that's when you have this protection. But people can and will believe what they want to believe - or by first impression/bias.
  9. I don't know if this is valid or not - but when someone is trying to win in the court of "public opinion"... I wonder if that is because they can't win in actual court. By winning public opinion, you hope to get a settlement. If you have a strong case - you are getting all this done in court. So far, we have no charges filed that we've heard of. I suspect until they find the assailant, it will be very difficult to link Shady to that person. Seems to me she is a gold digger - from 50,000 miles away from the case.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtroopers_of_Death It had 3 members of Anthrax... Another personal favorite was "Milk" and "Pre-Menstrual Princess Blues" (I look like I've been shot!)
  11. Wasn't it just Anthrax playing a punk band? I love that whole album, used to crank that thing up.
  12. The way she can't come to grips with the reality that it was lost - and lives a Groundhog Day life is amazing. While the pop just supports her as best he can. It reminded me on many levels of couples I knew in Buffalo - if not for this particular event, just for how much the team was ingrained into the life of fans. So much of the way of life in Buffalo (at least in some periods) was tied up in the success/failure of the Bills. I have seen this where I live now as well. There was a period of fanaticism about the local college football team when it was in it's heyday which was very reminiscent. Then - several bad seasons which were accompanied by poor decisions by players off the field as well as coaches willing to look past those transgressions really sort of turned off much of the city. That said - if there is a resurgence on the team, I could see it happening here again (just like I can envision that in Buffalo.) When you haven't got much else going on besides "life" - teams can fill some voids and overtake people's psyche. The movie played on these chords for me. It is definitely not a mainstream movie for everyone, like many movies. It is a love it or hate it thing. Sort of like Napoleon Dynamite - you either got it or you didn't.
  13. I love that movie. Own it and watch it from time to time. The scenes at the parents house are priceless.
  14. Some guys have all the luck. Didn't you get to go to the Draft too? I guess I have to somehow break the board for these good things to happen to me. ?
  15. Yeah - it doesn't work in Edge either - but does work in other browsers. It looks like they copied the NFL.COM template and the blog link is gone. When I click on Team/Community, it comes up with a story about how Watkins signed to be at the Kelly Camp (probably when Watkins was a rookie).... So there is work to be done. I mostly go there to look for original content, but lately they've been mostly regurgitating stories from elsewhere.
  16. I think one of the problem with people (myself included) is sometimes we forget about 10 years of good when there's one bad incident. Now - if that incident is killing your ex-wife and her boyfriend, that I understand. If that incident is whining about not getting a pass thrown your way during a game towards the end of your career, that's something else. But folks often seem to equate the two in terms of meaning and that jades the perception of their career. It's also about timing... A lot of Jimbo (and Bruce's) transgressions happened earlier in their careers while they were still starring in games and we were still successful. When something happens late in your career or after your career, it is easier for some folks to just discard the success you had because they were in the past and you have no "future value" to the team you love. If this had happened in say year 5 of EMs career and he was successful afterwards, it would carry less weight and there'd be fewer naysayers.
  17. Thanks YiO. I wish this were not a thread of tweets but an actual article with statistics/charts/tables etc. I have to say I agree a lot with the author - in terms of sacks being more of the fault of the QB than the OL (although it could also be scheme). In the case of TT - he did hold on to the ball too long, but he also was more of a "running" QB, so for those analytics - did he include a planned delayed run in his stats? I'm not going to pick apart the author here - just curious if he had an agenda. Statistical analysis is dangerous when subjectivity comes into play - you really get garbage out of it other than "numbers" which you can say support your argument. My real question is - "similar" O-Line, different QB, are we in for a season full of sacked QB? I hope not, this author does not seem to shed any light on that subject as far as the OL is concerned.
  18. I don't have time to read this right now - but as far as relevance.... Does this in any way discuss the O-Line play? 50% of the "regular OL" from 2017 is now gone(10% for swapping Ducasse to LG), but if we're talking about sacks etc. then it still has relevance as it relates to the Line play since the majority of the line is still probably in place (unless they replace Mills too which they probably should do). I suspect the line will be Dawkins-Ducasse-Groy-Miller-Mills (or the FA tackle whose name escapes me at the moment). Needless to say this is very different from Dawkins-Incognito-Wood-Ducasse-Mills. When you factor in a new OC and a new QB (without many other wholesale offensive changes other than maybe at WR) - I think the sack story for 2018 may be vastly different - but could have echoes from 2017 based on the line play. My point is - the story isn't 100% Taylor unless we attribute Superman status to him and say the offense was solely dependent on his success/failure.
  19. I tend to go there daily to see if there is Bill's news from the source. I like most of the content they generate with interviews with players/coaches and videos of press conferences. Interestingly - the site itself seems to be hosed today, I can't tell if they are doing a major overhaul - or if there is some sort of error someone made in coding (or if it is just my browser acting up - but their site is the only one I've found which isn't working today).
  20. Yawn. Sorry did someone say anything we haven't heard already a billion times without any actual news? Yes. regurgitated crap by a crap 'beat' writer. Quick, Rodak, we need a piece on Allen. OK, I'll just write the same stuff I've been writing. Rodak's seen 2 of the total of 6 practices for OTAs (at most since he maybe didn't attend any of them). Who cares what he has to say? OP - if you read the write-up on Mayfield, he got no stellar review either. There is no slant in the writing, there is slant in the perception of the reading. Not knocking you, we're fans, we are going to take things more personal than we should about our team.
  21. I found this on BB.COM, don't see it posted here yet. This is what I'd read before and expected - you have to adapt to the skills you have. He has a lot of work ahead of him, I hope he is here for more than a few years, he could be great.
  22. Well played OP! I care not for Cowturd.
  23. DOOMED! Seriously. <smh>
  24. I think these changes will retain the "feel" of a kickoff - and reduce injuries (which is their goal). What I am more curious about is how this will affect an onside kick attempt - given the fact the receiving team now has to wait until after the ball gets to the 45 to initiate any contact - it really seems like an onside could be "more" effective. I wonder if they tried this out at all - or consulted with ST coaches?
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