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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. 518-346-6666 Keep calling. The receptionist is getting a little preterbed. We're making headway!
  2. Call the number and hit '2' and you'll get the newsroom. Ask for the sports director and let him know your feelings. I just did. Or you can wait until tomorrow. Recovery Room if they don't change their mind???
  3. James Farthing....he owes me money
  4. My momma had a slingbox she wore on her chest and when daddy came home he didn;t get any rest
  5. The cheating will have to intensify now.
  6. Yo-yo what's up? I think next year we have an opening day party at your place!!
  7. I don't know much about dancin'...that's why I sing this song...
  8. First time in years I won't be at the opener. I'm jones'n right now. In Albany. Go Bills!
  9. The Who Braves games on Friday nights in the Oranges. Kiss Globe Trotters Sabres game against Kings during the blizzard. And the memories of holding my dad's hand as a child walking up the endless set of ramps. If anybody can get me a set of blues let me know.
  10. Hendrix Tribute show on tour... Buddy Guy Robert Randolph Johhny Lang The boys from Los Lobos Can't wait
  11. Thank God the Oshkosh Police Department cracked this case. The Reno Sheriff's Department was all set to intervene.
  12. There's young Jena in my office....I'd like to bend her over the copier
  13. Do you wear women's clothing and hang around in bars? Or is that a lumberjack?
  14. What about Canada....great health insurance, beer, strippers, fishing and someday the Bills.
  15. The only preseason game I saw this year was the Dolts game and his interception was a result of pass underthrown by 10 yards. Payton would have eaten him up. Hopefully he's the real deal but let's see what he can do in prime time before we anoint him.
  16. Conjecture Wright is the flip side. Don't get me wrong i love Juron for his handling of the players but as far as staff and game management he has a lot to prove. We need to win 10 games if healthy this year or he needs to be seriously evaluated.
  17. So who ya votin for?
  18. Yes, she has coffee w/ Gustav from Beringovskiy after the seal hunt
  19. I'm having a tough time deciding who to vote for... Mrs Obama (MILF) and Mrs Biden (MILF) or Mrs McCain (Milf) and VP Palin (MILF)
  20. Niedermier......DEAD Pennington.....
  21. Danny Verdun Wheeler .......he owes me money
  22. That's rule #1. And I'm all over it.
  23. Funny you ask.... Went out all day w/ the boys Friday...golf, Saratoga Race Track, Saratoga night life w/ limo, can't remember when I got in... the old lady was fricken pissed Saturday AM. Dragged my ash out on the boat w/ her and actually scored when we got home. Whoo hoo. But the 'scoring' comment was actually in regards to my sons.
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