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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. Who is Zues again?
  2. That would be 'porn'!
  3. That's funny. I was just back in town for a stag party and was down in Angola raising hell and there is an old drive-in next to the Jubilee on 5. Got thinking about the Wherle Drive-In in Clarence. Soft pron on Friday nights, Talas concerts, dollar parties. Man, I wouldn't trade growing up in WNY for nothing!
  4. Saw him at Albany's Tulip Fest. Quit frankly I don't see the attraction
  5. It's like dejavu all over again. I think this is how I went to bed the other night.
  6. Not a bad idea if you want 1 year mandatory in the Mass State Pen for an unliscened gun.
  7. Do you french kiss?....my daddy says I'm the best!
  8. Sitting by your inground pool with your Piels Light at your side and your Chevy Cavalier in your driveway. Your my fricken hero. And you're right...I'd fail the inteligence test. I have no idea how many boxes of french fries fit on a pallet.
  9. That's not even a kid...look at the hair on the arms. Frez....you got a serious problem....not like there's anything wrong with that.
  10. Get the kids...and then have the parents who camplain about umpires read...a book called 'Raising a Team Player' by Harry Sheehy. The best $30 you'll ever spend. Basketball themed but an absolutely must read for all young athletes and their parents. You won't complain about umpires again.
  11. "nd what exactly has good ol' Rog created on his own that stands any test of time? " Actually called Radio Chaos. Excellent album and unbelievable live show. Concert in my top 5. Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking a good album also. Have you listened to either one of these??
  12. "It’s crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations." Kiss my ashe! This country supports half the fricken earth.
  13. Have they announced what game they are going to wear them??
  14. Pretty entertaining. But that doesn't cut it for 60 minutes plus intermissions.
  15. Just back from # 2's baseball game.... plopped a couple of heaping spoonfuls of ziti on a plate... poured a glass of merlot..... turned on the TV.... Cubs/Astro's..... I would settle for Leafs/Bruins right now. bunch of idiots. I'm jonesing bad right now for playoff hockey.
  16. No Animal House? Meatballs? Blazing Sadles? Vacation? Blues Bros? Emmanuelle? WTF
  17. Yea, we need a couple of tight ends!
  18. I'm playing hooky tomorrow and going stripper fishing on the Hudson. Beers, cigars and hopefully a 25 pounder. After years of giving up my personal days I'm turning the corner. Time to stop and smell the roses.
  19. Anybody see Detroit Rock City tonight? Many, many memories from my formative years. Also KISS at the Aud in 1978. Those were the days.
  20. Like: Roscoe, punt return left...which way do you go?
  21. I agree. It's a long season. FA next year. You think he's going to pee it away by not playing his ass off if he get's the chance?
  22. Wonderlic? What's that got to do with returning punts? Billy 'White Shoes' didn't have a MBA. Anyway, I heard there were an excessive amount of trick questions this year.
  23. Exactly. Another piece of the pie. The scheule looks manageable. Hell, one more win and we are in. I think that's a win for this year with a 'rookie' QB. We are on our way to a good, hopefully great, run of playoff seasons.
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