If they report to the centers, some are dispatched to watch the kids, while others are sent out to clean the streets, paint and maintain parks and public use areas, hell, teach them how to repair some of the crumbling infrastructures that are in disprepair from years of neglect and we have a "free " localized workforce.
Think back to the WPA of the 30s, An example would be the parks in the Niagara Falls area (Devils hole, Whirlpool Park ) were built by WPA workers. Each day they were given tools and a sandwich, work 5 days, get your welfare check, when it was all done, we had state parks for the cost of materials. The workers had a sense of ownership and accomplishment in participating in a project that they were proud of and they earned their assistance checks rather than just waited for it like they were entitled to it. Today, we have a society that feels entitled to have money dropped in their pocket, "its their right" fck em, get up, work , get check, simple as that.