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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Apparently it is the first step of pulling a train
  2. Thats a heartbreaker,,,,,
  3. ( I think he missed both free throws)
  4. Did he save any nuns and orphans from a burning bus? How many puppies did he rescue?
  5. Anger management classes help boost this woman's chances for Mother of the Year
  6. Happy Birthday Hunter too!
  7. From his looks I would say his knees hit the ground more often than his knuckles.
  8. He and Clay Aiken will be roomates
  9. Thats the Jets fan Jimmy Spagnola who trolls here? Impressed that his knuckles arent as developed as one would think with all the head bashing he claims to do.
  10. Apparently the girl with the biggest habayabolos
  11. A very good article about the NFL players attitude towards football and what we see and feel.
  12. Wow, I have limited exposure to Facebook, and probably a handful of contacts on there, but someone needs to get a life!! Facebook Unfriending reaction
  13. Maybe not the type he wanted My link Thats gotta make you feel like a schmuck
  14. ..... so they can scream "Oh God" and mean it
  15. Kinda makes me sick that this guy thinks he did the family a favor by holding off a few years. What a douche nozzle
  16. Thank God I am not a kicker
  17. I think he meant rettatta, you know, the egg/noodle/pickle juice snack you can whip up in just under 3 hours.
  18. I will break a buck rather than give exact change, I use the returnable recycle machines that give back quarters/nickels rather than the ones that issue a reciept. I empty my pockets at the end of the day into a large 5 gallon water bottle. every few months I will cash it all in at TD bank and either deposit it or use it as cash for a night out or "my stuff" like Bills tickets or boat hauling/service expenses. I range up to about 200-250 per quarter since my son and his freinds never return any bottles and Sundays are football days and summer weekends means boating and beers.
  19. /dev/null aspires to get into Tebow's pajamas
  20. And you wonder why the country can't get its financesstraight. Simple solution, prison for pedophiles = cheap labor = cheap road and infrastructure costs, let the building begin by saving tax dollars from social welfare farces.
  21. I have read everything King has done (with the exception of the Dark Tower stuff where it just got too fantasy like for my taste) Every time I read his stuff I always wonder when the movie version will come out. Unfortunately not all of his books translate well to the big screen. Green Mile worked quite well, as did "The Body" which became the movie "Stand by Me" but of his other books made into movies, I think the directors views and interpretations do not meet the readers expectations and personalizations of the writers work. Just my opinion, but I will be getting his latest on my nook.
  22. Try that my wine saturated friend
  23. While the hands of time touches each and every one of us, they certainly seemed to have B word slapped our dear Bob. Good to see he did not succumb to the botox/facelift regiment that seems prevalent in the Socal area. I think he actually looks happy (surely a fresh beer was poured right before the camera snapped)
  24. Monumental recall or recall of monuments
  25. hmmm, I saw this somewhere before
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