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Posts posted by Guffalo

  1. We already have a retirement place in Chapin SC, its in a golf community with a 41 mile long lake for boating and fishing. We have some friends who live nearby and love the area. We hope to spend some time there to see if we really like it, but the West coast of Florida seems to be where people from Long Island and this area seem to do the winters, With that in mind, we have been passively looking in Naples or West coast of Florida to be around people we know from here.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Greg S said:


    Reminds me of the episode of MWC when the Bundy's move into the supermarket because they had no air conditioning at home.

    The A/C unit Al bought was the "Kaiser 5000" Loved that show

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  3. 4 hours ago, BobbyC81 said:

    I started following sports in 1970 and experienced Bob Lanier and Calvin Murphy as All Americans and the Bonnies going all the way to the Semifinals of the NCAA Tournament.   Little did I know then that it was the zenith for Western New York college basketball.  Good memories.


    Canisius recruiting Larry Fogle to transfer there a few years later gave hope, only to end up crumbling due to violations.



    I remember Calvin Murphy and Big Bob going at it at those little three games. My dad was doing photography for NU since he had graduated there about 10 years prior. He would drag me along and I sat on the sidelines with the camera bag while watching these guys.

    RIP Big Bob

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  4. What may be a solution is what I have suggested to my Bills ticket rep which was met with "gee sounds great",  but since the Bills and their partners (ticketbastard) get no revenues it got rejected. These are just off the top of my head, please add any additional thoughts 


    Possible solution for consideration:


    Current Stadium

    • We have many TBD members who have Season Tickets
    • Not all TBD STH attend all games
    • Create a more formal pool of unused tickets available from our TBD STH members at set prices (maybe a small mark up) for unused tickets
    • Non STH TBD members participating in the process have first options on unused tickets and availability may fluctuate, but a "snake draft" or similar methodology can be used to determine order of selection.
    • TBD STH who are long term planners can advise the group which tickets they will not be using in advance, let the TBD non STH group absorb those tickets and guarantee Bills fans are in those seats. 
    • In some cases, tickets may become available late in the week, in this instance a notification could go out to the next 5-10 participants on the list advising that tickets are available. 
    • Once tickets are released/purchased, the new owner is the ticketholder. (Re-sale for profit is strongly is frowned upon)
    • Perhaps a "switch seats" option for TBD STH where a participant can swap seats for a game, or get credit for game "A" to be used for game "C"


    • TDB has an outlet for long distance STH who cannot make all games
    • Known Bills fans are in our seats
    • TBD non STH don't have to negotiate/pay fees in secondary market


    • Drunken hooligan behavior can ruin a STH reputation and get him/her kicked off the list (If drunks show up at my seats and the Bills/Ticketmaster sold them, I am free and clear)
    • ST holders may want their seats back if a conflict clears (too bad, seat is gone)

    Going forward to new stadium:

    • Individuals wishing to transition to become PSL holders can do so, the extra fee charged per ticket may be bumped up a bit to compensate the PSL holder
    • If the current TBD STH coordinate properly, different locations can be secured where we may have 15-30 seats together in various sections, some in the upper deck, others lower bowl 20-40 yds, maybe some club seats
    • Similar selection process for unused tickets can migrate to new stadium

    This is a straw man, tear it up








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  5. I didn't see what shake-up you are referring to, but it is an interesting proposal, I may be interested. I have seats that I now am able to use and get to about 5-6 out of an 8 game season. Setting up a model that is equitable to all participants may be challenging, but certainly worth exploring.

  6. On 3/25/2022 at 12:42 PM, Gugny said:


    Yeah, it was definitely not something we did on the regular .. in fact, that was a one-time thing.  We would occasionally do other staged things, but small stuff.  Whenever we did "One Way of Another" I used to wear a blonde wig that was actually a "Something About Mary" wig, with the sticky hair in front.  Little crap like that.  People dug it.  As you know, the more fun it looks like you're having, the more fun they have ... then you see them having fun and it's better for you. Great stuff!  I miss it.  Good luck!

    Between this and your YMCA performances, is there something you need to share? (Not that there is anything wrong with that)

  7. I went to Niagara University after going to St Joes. Both my parents went to Niagara as commuters, and strongly suggested I stay in the dorms. Some of the best advice I ever got.  I made plenty of friends, some of which I still have contact with to this day. My wife also went there and she still talks (and talks, and talks, and talks) to me every day. I can still pick up the phone and call 5-10 different people we went to school with and pick up right where we left off.


    As for high school friends, since I moved away after Niagara, I never kept in touch, and never went to any reunions. For the Niagara ones, I am planning on the 40th this June and am looking forward to it.

  8. 9 hours ago, Nelius said:

    I was an idiot when I was 21 as well yeah but I wasn't publicly sharing my cringe idiocy to millions, and I'm pretty confident that my idiocy also wasn't a fraction as annoying. I was just drinking and eating pizza and sleeping in weird places. This dude is the worst. Any time I see anything on him or the wife I start to immediately physically react like I need to get away. True, physical, shut it off cringe.

    That's the whole point, when I was 21, I'm sure I annoyed people who ran into me at 3 am in Mighty Taco or whatever sub shop was close, but that affected the handful of people who witnessed my shenanigans first hand. By using social media to document your idiocy, you expand the audience for criticism (as well as your "reach" to your followers). Social media gives him the ability to touch more people, but that just increases his ability to annoy more people. 

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